View Full Version : choked by my dad in my sleep?

10-29-2014, 05:30 PM
Hi everyone. Something weird happened to me and I'm wondering if it's linked to my anxiety.

So I was taking a nap and in my dream I was in our yard having fun with my dad and sister. We were setting up one of those toy rocket things (I don't know why) and then my dad started playfully choking me. When I started losing air I tried to tell him but he just kept choking me. Not intentionally, it was more like he was accidentally putting more pressure on my throat and thought I was just playing along.

I felt like I was actually suffocating and he still thought I was playing so he didn't stop and I was on the verge of tears at this point. I tried to warn him by thrashing around and that's when I woke up and I wasn't suffocating anymore? In my dream I thought I was actually going to suffocate to death but after I woke up I was and am completely fine. I don't have choking sensations now or anything.

So yeah I'm fine now but that dream is giving me anxiety. What if it happens again? What if I actually choke and suffocate in my sleep and don't wake up? This has never happened.

I don't know if these factors would affect this, but I've been sick for about 5 days. The first few days I had typical virus symptoms like fever, chills, sore throat etc. I've gotten better and now I'm just dealing with allergies.

Anyone think this could have some kind of link to my anxiety? And has anyone ever had something weird happen to them like this?

And also for a little background, I've had anxiety problems for about 4 months now. I had my 5th session with my therapist today (therapy is going well!) and since it hasn't been 6 months, she said I don't really fall into the category of having an anxiety disorder but I do have anxiety issues.

10-29-2014, 05:33 PM
You'll always wake up from a dream so don't worry. There's no logic behind thinking you'd choke to death in your sleep due to a dream. Choking sensation raises your heart rate. When your heart rate starts to rise your body automatically wakes you up. Why do you think during some nightmares you wake up with your heart pounding?

Discuss the dream with your therapist but don't assume that it'll happen again, that's simply your anxiety talking trying to pin a completely illogical and unfounded danger to a situation.


10-30-2014, 07:53 AM
It's probably related to having a fever - I've noticed when I'm physically sick like that I get weirder/scarier dreams than usual.

As Ed said, you won't die from dreaming something like that. I've been shot in the head and all sorts of nasty things in dreams and I'm still here.


10-31-2014, 06:35 PM
It's probably related to having a fever - I've noticed when I'm physically sick like that I get weirder/scarier dreams than usual. As Ed said, you won't die from dreaming something like that. I've been shot in the head and all sorts of nasty things in dreams and I'm still here. :)

I have such strange dreams when I'm unwell sometimes it is a scary thing to wake up and be scared of it happening again but the more u think it will then u have a chance UR going to as its on UR mind when u go sleep

10-31-2014, 06:49 PM
what do you think your dream means?