View Full Version : Stopped celexa, so dizzy, what should i do?

10-29-2014, 05:19 PM
Guys, do you have any idea how to cope with being so dizzy everyday whole day? Should I just take the medicine again? Or do I have to hang on until symptoms completely gone? I can hardly function anymore I am so freaking dizzy!!

10-29-2014, 05:30 PM
Why did you come off it initially? Was it effective? Did you pair medication with therapy? Medication is a band aid remember. it won't cure root causes of anxiety/depression. I had terrible dizziness coming off Remeron. It lingered for 3 weeks but it did pass. Keep hydrated. I recommend slicing a lemon and putting it in a big pitcher of water as lemons flush out toxins in your system.

your body is simply adjusting to the lack of chemicals from the medication. It will pass, just try to distract yourself. I know dizziness is one of the worst and debilitating symptoms from anxiety and/or medication but it will pass in time. Stressing about it will only make it worse or last longer.

Hope you feel better soon.


10-29-2014, 06:19 PM
Hi Ed,

I was on and off celexa for 2 years now.. Now I decided to stop again because I suspect it's causing some allergies, I'm not sure though..my doctor told me to just take it every other day but I stopped after 2 weeks of taking it every other day. Now it's been five days since I stopped and I feel so dizzy and nauseated.. I remember I had the same feelings before when I stopped but now it's just severe.. It took me 3 weeks too before for the symptoms to subside..

10-30-2014, 05:02 AM
5 days isn't that long. I know it'll feel like hell but it'll take some time for your body to flush it out and get back to normal. Even when it is out of your system your body will still take some time to adjust to going without this foreign substance you were taking for 2 years. It will adjust and restore balance though. Just try to focus on the good etc. Not sure if you download torrents but look up the calm clinic course. It's invaluable for dealing with anxiety. Or try a book called Unlearn Your Pain by Dr Hooward Schubiner.


10-30-2014, 05:29 AM
Thank you Ed! Really really glad you are here..you take care and God bless!!