View Full Version : Work/Performance Anxiety Confusion

10-29-2014, 04:53 PM
Not even sure if I'm asking for advice or solutions or whatever, but just need to see if anyone can understand where I'm coming from.

I've suffered from GAD since the start of my second year of university (2012) but one thing that always frustrated me more than anything else was that I could previously complete tasks/coursework with little stress...to the point that even the thought of starting on a piece of work made me feel nauseous. When actually doing the work, I would essentially be having constant panic attacks and be distracting myself from the task even without realising, causing my work to be substandard and not complete until the last moments. This continued until the end of my degree this year, which was an achievement considering my symptoms, but I thought that it would reduce.

However, since out of uni and looking for employment, these issues have continued with regards to application forms and talking to prospective employers. I get the same symptoms when completing applications forms and when in the case a CV is sufficient, I find myself struggling to communicate and find myself running away from these issues.

I've been on medication and through therapy previously but neither were effective in controlling this...just kinda hoping to hear from anyone who has gone through something similar.

10-29-2014, 07:09 PM
I have the exact same issues, I'm going to explore various avenues this year/beginning of next which will hopefully conclude with me having some symptom relief. If I stumble anything of use I will post it in here, I would appreciate it if you were to do the same.