View Full Version : very strange panic attack

07-06-2008, 11:27 AM
Yesterday night I got panic attack which was quite different then others I had,
it was something like waves of strange overwhelming, warm, tingling feeling
coming out from my low back up to chest and head which forced me take xanax and I finally fell asleep. After I took xanax I felt for a moment like I was about to die, very weird feeling - that wave of something wanted to take me but suddenly everything stopped...

Anybody experience something like this?
There was no shortness of breath, no chest pain or anything like that.
Just a little numbness in left side of the face and left hand and these strange waves which were a little scary.

07-06-2008, 02:40 PM
I've had similar, my panic attack consisted of that wave feeling running through my head and making me feel very hot, which was followed by an erratic heartbeat, but I definatly have had that horrible wave sensation before.

Punk Rock Steve
07-06-2008, 07:37 PM
I've also had that "wave" feeling in my body and then I felt like I was going down for the last time....thought I was going to be pushing up daisies any minute...and that happened a few times while I was DRIVING. Needless to say, nothing happened, and here I am talking about it. The mind can be a terrible place to hang out :)

08-13-2008, 07:00 AM
Thank God, i've felt that too. it was like a electrict current moving through my body from my feet upwards and from my head down to my neck. i was convinced i was going to die. i swore that it i had had a dicky heart i would have gone.

do you also feel that all illnesses are caused by stress. i have that strange thought too.

is it true? how do you stop these feelings


08-13-2008, 04:39 PM
I have definetly had the wave feeling. That is a horrible feeling and can totally relate. I had one as a matter of fact on the way home from work the other night. Afterwards, it left me shaking and very uneasy.

Your not alone my friend :)