View Full Version : What's Your Worst Anxiety Nightmare???

10-28-2014, 10:43 AM
Mine was about me sleepwalking and crossing the intersection asleep, and sitting down Indian Style, 1/2 way through the cross walk and Never being able to cross over to the other side.......

10-28-2014, 01:53 PM
Being trapped in a room full of loud, smelly people. I'm tempted to always carry around an unopened jar of deoderant so that whenever I meet a smelly person, I can just give it to them (to keep, of course. I could always buy another one].

I'd be like: "Here, you need this". *hands over deoderant*

Other person: "What? why are you giving me deoder...."

Me: "Trust me. You need it." :p

10-28-2014, 02:23 PM
I had one the other night, the mole on my foot grew to be an enormous size. I was about to go into surgery. Then I woke up. Sweating :)