View Full Version : Lexapro Increase?

10-28-2014, 05:35 AM
Hey Everybody!

I'm a 21 year old student and I've been suffering with GAD for most of my life. It's gotten pretty bad these past few years to the point where I've entered a cycle where at times I've been unable to read/focus on my textbook readings. I have good days where I can read on and on and focus and wake up the next day with full blown anxiety questioning my ability to read. Its gotten to the point where I'm getting random heart palpitations while reading..

Long story short, I went to the doctors last week when I could not stand it anymore and was prescribed Lexapro. I began taking 20mg, but after the first night I could not stand the side effects and was told to cut down to 10mg. This first week on 10mg was amazing. I woke up with no anxiety, and was reading flawlessly without questioning myself every 10 secs. I was defenitely a lot happier. However, after a week I felt like anxiety creeping back. I'm not sure what to do. I'm scared to increase the dosage to 20mg because I'm scared the side effects will hit me hard, but more importantly, Im scared that the 20mg won't work and that even if it does I might build a tolerance to it. So I'm wondering if it's a good idea to increase the dosage to 15mg instead of 20mg. Any advise would do!
Thanks for reading!

10-28-2014, 07:36 AM
Hi there,

I'm on 20mg Lexapro. The side effects of any SSRI are usually bad until they build up in your system. I'd say you're safe to go from 10-20mg. But ask your doctor first :)

10-28-2014, 09:31 AM
Hi there,

I'm on 20mg Lexapro. The side effects of any SSRI are usually bad until they build up in your system. I'd say you're safe to go from 10-20mg. But ask your doctor first :)

I am on 20 too. How do you like Lexapro?

10-28-2014, 09:49 AM
Hey Everybody!

I'm a 21 year old student and I've been suffering with GAD for most of my life. It's gotten pretty bad these past few years to the point where I've entered a cycle where at times I've been unable to read/focus on my textbook readings. I have good days where I can read on and on and focus and wake up the next day with full blown anxiety questioning my ability to read. Its gotten to the point where I'm getting random heart palpitations while reading..

Long story short, I went to the doctors last week when I could not stand it anymore and was prescribed Lexapro. I began taking 20mg, but after the first night I could not stand the side effects and was told to cut down to 10mg. This first week on 10mg was amazing. I woke up with no anxiety, and was reading flawlessly without questioning myself every 10 secs. I was defenitely a lot happier. However, after a week I felt like anxiety creeping back. I'm not sure what to do. I'm scared to increase the dosage to 20mg because I'm scared the side effects will hit me hard, but more importantly, Im scared that the 20mg won't work and that even if it does I might build a tolerance to it. So I'm wondering if it's a good idea to increase the dosage to 15mg instead of 20mg. Any advise would do!
Thanks for reading!

Lexapro does help with anxiety, but it will still be there. You will need something in addition to the Lexapro to reduce anxiety. For example, relaxation techniques....sounds like you put tremendous expectations on yourself.

10-28-2014, 07:25 PM

It's hard to say really. I've been on and off SSRIs (mostly on) for 20+ years. They seem to help me get out of the bad depression/anxiety episodes but then I don't notice them unless I stop taking them. So I just stay on them.

I very much agree with what you said above - that medication alone isn't really enough to treat anxiety. It's a whole lifestyle thing. For me alcohol was a big problem; self-medicating and then feeling ten times worse. So I really have to watch that.

Then there are things like diet, exercise, and getting enough sleep. And I read a lot about "alternative" ways of living, Buddhism, mindfulness etc and try to put them into practice with meditation. I think the way we live in our society is anxiety-producing and you'd have to be a bit of a robot to NOT feel anxious. Some of us are just more wired to feel it than others :)

Anyway that's my rant lol. The short answer is that I don't have any problems with Lexapro but it's only a small part of treating anxiety and depression.

10-29-2014, 09:12 AM

It's hard to say really. I've been on and off SSRIs (mostly on) for 20+ years. They seem to help me get out of the bad depression/anxiety episodes but then I don't notice them unless I stop taking them. So I just stay on them.

I very much agree with what you said above - that medication alone isn't really enough to treat anxiety. It's a whole lifestyle thing. For me alcohol was a big problem; self-medicating and then feeling ten times worse. So I really have to watch that.

Then there are things like diet, exercise, and getting enough sleep. And I read a lot about "alternative" ways of living, Buddhism, mindfulness etc and try to put them into practice with meditation. I think the way we live in our society is anxiety-producing and you'd have to be a bit of a robot to NOT feel anxious. Some of us are just more wired to feel it than others :)

Anyway that's my rant lol. The short answer is that I don't have any problems with Lexapro but it's only a small part of treating anxiety and depression.

I agree on all points....I have posted what a hard time I had only two months after tappering off, took 5 weeks going back on to gain a little peace of mind. A few months later now and I am much better, I feel like part of it was discontinuation syndrome. Anyway, glad you are finding helpful habits. : )