View Full Version : Anyone has tingling numbness pins needles sensations?

07-05-2008, 07:28 PM
Can anyone describe what you feel like when it happens?

In the past few years I have gotten it mostly in my legs but lately it's been in my back, arm, my head, face, jaw, cheeks. It's happening everywhere and it's driving me crazy. I am so afraid. My doctor thinks it stress but I am going to see a neurologist and having a ct scan of my sinuses but I'm worried.

07-06-2008, 09:23 AM
I get it in my legs, fingers, hands, face, and the top of my head. It comes and goes and sometimes seems to come out of nowhere. I'm sure you're fine. The tests may make you feel better, but sometimes the worry remains, even after the doctor tells you that you're fine. Try to remember that it's a symptom of anxiety.

Ps: thanks for the reply to my hypochondria post, sorry about my short reply but I'm typing on a phone.