View Full Version : Locked in

10-27-2014, 12:24 PM
I have suffered Panic and Anxiety disorder for over 6 years... Apparently it is heredity in my family.... The women in my family generally get it in their 30s, My issue it this... I have moved to a new state and have a new doctor.... They are reluctant to give my the meds I need to function. I am on Zanax.. I take 2 pills a day and I am fine unless I have a stressful day, then I take the third pill... They insist that Visteril and Buspar should work for me.... But, it does not help me... I cannot travel in a vehicle for periods longer than 30 minutes.... I cant deal with crowds.....My panic attacks are so bad at times that I fall out. Its hard to go out and function... I don't know what to do.

10-29-2014, 08:51 PM
See a therapist. Dont just pop pills w/o dealing with the issues causing these symptoms. Talk therapy does help. Some therapist even do bio-feedback and other technical therapy type of things to alleviate most of the symptoms. Dont give up...Are you supposed to drive on those anyway?

10-30-2014, 12:38 AM
That can be rough, for sure. I find it really difficult traveling and moving to new places, so I can relate. I hope you find some relief.

10-30-2014, 10:38 AM
Aaahh!! That us so frustrating!! I know what u r going through, I have had social anxiety/phobia my whole life. I have tried EVERY medicine under the sun including vistiril and buspar and they did absolutely nothing for me, and I gave them all a serious try. I was finally after years of suffering given a chance by a dr. And given klonopin ( same type of thing as Xanax) and it was amazing!! I could function!! But I will say it absolutely the combination of therapy and this med that is the best way as far as I'm concerned. Neither on thier own helped me fully. But I lost that dr. And went through HELL finding another dr. Who would perscribe it for me!! Even when they saw how paralyzed by fear and anxiety I was! It felt cruel. So maybe look for another doctor? And a good therapist. I think doctors like to see your not just wanting the meds but that u r also really working on and through your anxiety. Hope that helped :) always here, casstar