View Full Version : So scared...sudden weird twitch, experiences PLEASE?

10-26-2014, 11:28 PM
I am into my third week on Sertraline (zoloft) and I always take it in the early afternoon. Tonight I took it very late and I'm feeling restless and shaky from the inside out. I also noticed a very faint twitch near the right side of my belly button. . It's freaking me out as I am prone to thinking the worst :/

I had a very bad fight with my husband tonight and sobbed extensively for about an hour. Do you think the twitch could be from my stomach muscles tightening while I cried? Or could it be from the medicine late at night? Or would you think it's something worse??

Sorry, just full of anxiety tonight and it's keeping me from sleeping. And the horrible fight with my husband didn't help :/

10-27-2014, 12:42 AM

I think you know the answer really. It's certain to be nothing to worry about. I don't recall the last time I saw a poster on the Doctor's surgery wall urging people to watch out for twitching belly buttons.

You can guarantee though that the more you think and worry about it, the more you'll get anxious, and the more your body will start displaying symptoms of anxiety, and the more you'll get anxious ...

Repeat after me ... "Meh!". Forget the arguments, smile, make yourself happy, run a hot bath and relax, listen to some music or whatever you do to relax. - but don't ruminate, that's an order from the highest authority here on the edge of a tiny farm in a far away land finishing his morning coffee.

You know how to smile, you know how to be relaxed and warm and comfortable and safe, and you can do it whenever you want.


10-27-2014, 01:25 PM
Hello- firstly, I'm sorry you are going through a rough time, anxiety isn't fun! I urge you to look at the anxiety symptoms list, muscle twitches and spasms are quite common on there. Personally, I get them as well, especially when anxious. Just last week I had a twitch in my eye, the more I thought about it the worse it got. Just try to relax and shake it off!


10-27-2014, 01:51 PM
Muscle spasms are very common. omorrow is a new day and no doubt there'll be something new you'll fixate upon in terms of symptoms or pains.


10-27-2014, 08:37 PM
You're totally right, and when I woke up today I felt silly that even bothered to post. I think the argument with my husband just sent my anxiety overboard.

I've struggled with GAD for so long that I should know that anxiety can cause strange sensations.

Thanks for the reply! I'm going to work on this.

10-27-2014, 08:39 PM
Thanks for the reassurance. of course when I woke up the stomach twitch was gone. Lol I feel so ridiculous that I got so worked up.

I've had an eye twitch for a few weeks that hasn't freaked me out half as much as the stomach twitch did!!

When will I learn...lol

10-28-2014, 06:39 AM
The more time goes by the more evidence you'll have proving it's all anxiety and nothing more. I still occasisionally get a pain or sensation that'll strike a lot of fear in me. But honestly You can trace it all back to anxiety and issues in the mind with enough experience of such things.
