View Full Version : I don't know what to do anymore, please help

10-26-2014, 06:01 PM
Alright so I posted here a while ago when my anxiety was at it's peak before, since then I was getting better and feeling more under control with my life and for once ever since I got my anxiety, I thought things were going to get better.

Then a few nights ago, it happened again, I got so nervous I thought I was going to lose my mind. I honestly don't even know what caused it. It was like all of the sudden all my anxiety came back and was 20x worse again.

A little bit of backstory, I had my first true panic attack at night and I think that made me start associating the night with panic attacks, and so now every night I end up feeling completely scared and completely anxious and honestly I just have to suffer through most nights now. I don't know what to do as it's currently 5 pm here, and I'm getting so scared that it's going to happen again that I can't even enjoy the day.

I think one of my fears is a fear of how empty and how large space is also? It's a thought that makes me feel as if I'm losing my mind. Has anyone else experienced this or?

I just feel as if I won't be able to calm my mind down sometime one of these nights,and completely go insane. I take magnesium supplements and exercise as well, and I don't know how to calm down anymore. I'm attached to my mother who also has an anxiety disorder and knows how to help in some ways, but lately not even she makes me feel safe anymore. I don't even feel safe laying in my own bed, as I feel as though as long as it's night and I cant' change that, I'm not safe.

I've tried telling myself that that's all completely lies, as i'm not less safe when It's night out and that was working up until a few nights ago again? Is that typical to have relaspes of anxiety soemtimes, or?

10-26-2014, 06:16 PM
I know how you feel. My anxiety comes and goes. What I do when I start feeling nervous is to distract myself. I watch lighthearted TV shows and listen to good music and even if it doesn't take my mind off of things completely it helps a lot. I also feel like talking with people helps me out a lot. Whether it be with my mom about what scares me(she usually reassures me and tells me I'm being stupid) or I talking with my friends about other things to take my mind off it. Hope this helps a little and I hope you get to feeling better. Take care!

10-26-2014, 06:50 PM
I so understand what you are going through. Have you tried art therapy? It helps me. Get a crayon, marker, pen or anything. Now close your eyes and start drawing.

10-26-2014, 07:18 PM
It happens to lots of people. Anxiety is not something you can switch on and off at will. What often helps me is burning incense during the day. It doesn't stop anxiety, but helps me relax.

10-26-2014, 09:29 PM
Are you on or ever been on Anti anxiety pills? It sounds like symptoms caffeine drinkers get or some other mind stimulant like massive amounts of Monster Drink, Jolt Cola or some type of highly caffeinated beverage? Also withdrawl from Anti-Anxiety agents cause these type of symptoms as well. Have you tried calling a crisis support line at night when you feel this way? Also I would see your doctor for a psych referral , it sounds like massive anxiety, yes?