View Full Version : Stomach Bug worries

10-26-2014, 05:39 PM
Okay, so my son woke up with the stomach bug last night. I was the one who cleaned it all up and have been taking care of him. Now I am nervous, nervous I will wake up with the stomach bug tonight... It's like a clock is ticking.UGH. I haven't eat much today because of this but this and now I am having stomach pains. I really think this is all in my head since I did wake up Thursday morning with some stomach troubles (no vomiting, just the other). I really just someone to knock some sense into me, that I am fine and even if I do get the stomach bug, I can handle it. It's not catastrophic. Anybody else struggle with this?

10-26-2014, 06:36 PM
I struggled with this last week in fact. Was around a person who was ill, and later that day had all the symptoms, except the one I feared the most, vomiting. Was I distracted myself with a book, it all faded away. All in the mind, is what I predict.
The chances of it being passed on are not high.
If it is passed on, well, I'm being a hypocrite here, but, it'll be fine.