View Full Version : My lower abdominal area is bloated and my period's Late???

10-26-2014, 12:32 PM
I've read about amenorriah, it's delayed periods. Well, I've been working out more since it finally cooled down after our Super Hot Indian Summer. Also, I have been able to return to work and work at least 3x per week. For me that's a change for the better. However, I sense that my periods are all amuck due to weather changes, and schedule changes, and exercise routine changes, and i suppose I have been anxious lately too. So now I'm extra anxious worrying about when my period is going to start. I know that my med dose increase didn't affect it, as I just started my increase 2 days ago. I also upped my caffeine-diet supplement just recently. I feel so much better when the weather is decent and I have enough caffeine flowing through my veins too. Feeling extra excited about eating breakfast is very new to me. I only started that since I increased my rx for SAD. I suppose the increase in caffeine x the increase in SAD med also helps to induce healthy bowel movements immediately after eating. It almost feels like I'm purging after eating a yummy breakfast. Only, I don't feel guilty after I feel Relieved and extra Refreshed feeling. Butt, butt, its really weird, because I've got this overly distended tummy and yet my upper ribs are kind of sticking out a tad. I feel like an obese Cambodian refugee lady.....I must increase my veggy dosage by very slowly introducing more of them into my daily smoothy shakes. I have been on these for a few months now and I think they are really helping with my overall sense of well being. This health kick helps me to feel like I'm in the "Driver's Seat" and, "In total kontrol of my body." And it feels really good. But the distended tummy now thats driving me up the walls, and motivating my nightly exercise and adherence to healthy veggies even more so.......Wish me luck. I currently have a stomach ache after eating on my lower right side, radiating over to my lower bach. Whats wrong with me? Eating is supposed to be a good thing, esp if it's good food???