View Full Version : worried about the future!

Charles Price
10-25-2014, 04:40 PM
Guys having GAD whats the chances of me developing a more severe mental disorder? i'm worried about ending up in a looney bin.
and is this just a ruff patch in my life that can be fixed again?

10-25-2014, 04:53 PM
Worrying about your anxiety makes you anxious.
Being anxious makes you worry.
Worrying about your anxiety makes you anxious.
Being anxious ....

Then your legs fall off, your ears turn into cabbages, your head explodes and you end up in the loony bin.
That's roughly how it works.

Yours, too much codeine of Nottingham.

10-25-2014, 04:56 PM
Guys having GAD whats the chances of me developing a more severe mental disorder? i'm worried about ending up in a looney bin.
and is this just a ruff patch in my life that can be fixed again?

Extremely low. There's no conclusive evidence anywhere that suggests having an anxiety disorder leads to the development of a more severe, life-long mental illness. Those odds are even lower when you understand the anxiety trick, and encourage your mind to heal. It's trying to scare you. It's trying to freak you out. Once you realize that, it becomes like a game of pranks. Oh shit, my heart feels funny, is this a heart attack...? Oh wait, hey... it got me!! Nice one anxiety, but I'll be on guard next time. And around and around it goes until it doesn't happen any more. That difficult, yet that easy.

Most people, including myself, were hospitalized only as they had no clue as to what was happening, or didn't have the help around to allow them to get better, thus becoming exhausted and needing of a break.

10-25-2014, 05:28 PM
0 man just 0. Look at me i had the same worries but now im fine. U will also be fine. Give it time u will feel super good again. Gad is nothing serious. Its just u worry too much. With time u will.learn that worrying is a natural thing and can be conquered.

Charles Price
10-28-2014, 09:18 AM
Thanks for the reply guys! it also seems I cycle between anxiety and severe depression. Also It feels like i'm looking at the world in a different perspective (derealization) anyone else suffered with that?

10-28-2014, 09:51 AM
Thanks for the reply guys! it also seems I cycle between anxiety and severe depression. Also It feels like i'm looking at the world in a different perspective (derealization) anyone else suffered with that?

Yes, and that was freaky. Then I learned it is from anxiety.

10-28-2014, 04:08 PM

You'll find there are thousands if not millions of people who have all gone through the exact same thought process.

I did it for weeks, certain I was going mad. But after a short while when it doesn't happen you realise it never will.

The fact you're thinking about it and aware of it means it is just anxiety and/or depression.

I had the derealisation too. It can be pretty scary at first, but it's just your brains way of trying to protect itself. Whey you feel that bad your brain makes you feel like you're not really there. and things therefore seem different.

It's annoying, but after a while you will begin to forget about it and it goes. The most important thing is to keep active, keep doing what you've got to do in life. It's when you sit around thinking about it it's at its worst.

Good luck


Charles Price
11-04-2014, 01:42 PM
I really to appreciate everyone comments! at least i'm not the only one dealing with this s***

11-04-2014, 02:14 PM
Nope, I'm afraid you're normal, but in a "Just arrived for the first term at Xavier's College for the Gifted" sort of way.

Being able to laugh at ourselves and not worry about our behaviours or issues is the first step towards getting better.