View Full Version : My son(years) keep getting spit out and in lot of anxiety

10-25-2014, 08:06 AM
My son(11 years) in the autism spectrum. He is in 6th grade in inclusion classroom. The school started 2 months back. After the school started, we noticed he is in lot of anxiety. Symptoms are keep getting spit out. He is saying lot of spit is coming. This spit is bothering him and everybody. Sometimes he take spit out for every minute. And he is particular to wash his hands. Even for small things also he prefer to wash hands very clean.

How to find what the root cause of his anxiety is?
We consulted pediatrician, but gave suggestions like engage him, try to calm him, meditation, etc. We are doing all of these. But we don't see any much improvement.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


10-25-2014, 08:38 AM

Rule no.1 with any undesirable behaviour is to ignore it if you safely can. Autistic spectrum kids have strong internal motivations and to try and intervene in a behaviour is fraught with problems.

At our school ( I'm a school governor at an autistic special school ) we'd look to reward other positive behaviours in stead.

Most kids will go with something like that and then stop after a while anyway.

Does he observe the saliva? Many boys enjoy watching spit dribble down a wall or tv screen, or watch it drip from a finger. These kids are simply enjoying the mental arithmetic of predicting gravity and motion.

If this is the case have school introduce some sand-play materials or water-toys. He will enjoy filling buckets or watering cans. They can be weighed or measured or counted to meet the educational grade necessary. Marble-run or other cascading toys are very popular.

Don't worry. Enjoy your son's many abilities

10-25-2014, 03:28 PM
If it is stress then do try ear-muffs ( builders ear defenders ), or ask the school to check all the lights to make sure they're not of the evil flickering fluorescent type. Led lights are best.


10-25-2014, 08:40 PM
Hi Ryker,
Thanks a lot for your reply. I agree with you. He doesn't observe saliva. I hope he will stop this behavior soon. I will buy Marble-run toy.
