View Full Version : Social Security Disability:unsure:

07-04-2008, 06:21 PM
Hello everyone :)
I have been dealing with panic disorder/anxiety & depression for several years. But now the symptoms have returned full strong. Worst than ever. My symptoms have been controlled with the help of medications and I have been able to work. But now, I am unable to work. I just can't seem to concentrate at work, I feel so disoriented and stressed out. The symptoms are too much. I want to work, I need the money! I probably also have agoraphobia since I don't go out of my home that much. I get the usual anxiety symptoms: blurry vision, dizzines, racing heartbeat......... when I go out. :|
Is it hard to receive social security disability benefits? I hear it is really hard, and usually get rejected the first time. How long is the process? Do I need a lawyer?

06-20-2011, 01:10 PM
Get some xanax. take it a step at a time and conquer it.. don't cave in now.