View Full Version : Intelligence

10-24-2014, 05:12 PM
I have grown to be very insecure about my intelligence.

I am very intellectual, engage in a lot of philosophy. Know a lot of it, do a lot of it. Argue about it a lot. I have had a lot of praise from philosophers ( or philosophical thinkers).

But, scientific thinkers, mainly my friends, insult me all the time! Claiming I am "stupid", "unintelligent" and "Can't understand complex things".
I just am confused at this?
I would say they are not seeing what they should see, and are being presumptuous and closed, right?

More to the point, I do get quite annoying at this, and value my wisdom and intelligence greatly, so what can I do?
Advise would be greatly appreciated.

10-24-2014, 06:40 PM
I have grown to be very insecure about my intelligence.

I am very intellectual, engage in a lot of philosophy. Know a lot of it, do a lot of it. Argue about it a lot. I have had a lot of praise from philosophers ( or philosophical thinkers).

But, scientific thinkers, mainly my friends, insult me all the time! Claiming I am "stupid", "unintelligent" and "Can't understand complex things".
I just am confused at this?
I would say they are not seeing what they should see, and are being presumptuous and closed, right?

More to the point, I do get quite annoying at this, and value my wisdom and intelligence greatly, so what can I do?
Advise would be greatly appreciated.

Accept opposing views, but never insults. Anyone that builds you up, " you are so smart""wonderful""a fine mind"I dont necessarily agree but I value your opinion" is a friend and worthy of your company.

Anyone that tears you down "stupid"" unintelligent""just don't get it" is not worthy of your relationship. And friendship by definition:

"a state of mutual trust and support"

Especially with anxiety, keep your head high.

10-24-2014, 09:06 PM
I have grown to be very insecure about my intelligence.

I am very intellectual, engage in a lot of philosophy. Know a lot of it, do a lot of it. Argue about it a lot. I have had a lot of praise from philosophers ( or philosophical thinkers).

But, scientific thinkers, mainly my friends, insult me all the time! Claiming I am "stupid", "unintelligent" and "Can't understand complex things".
I just am confused at this?
I would say they are not seeing what they should see, and are being presumptuous and closed, right?

More to the point, I do get quite annoying at this, and value my wisdom and intelligence greatly, so what can I do?
Advise would be greatly appreciated.

It's just a different type of intelligence :)

Sometimes our friends can be our worst enemies. Telling someone they're stupid is not very nice.

Keep valuing your intelligence.. The world would be pretty boring if we all thought in the same way.

10-25-2014, 04:51 AM
Accept opposing views, but never insults. Anyone that builds you up, " you are so smart""wonderful""a fine mind"I dont necessarily agree but I value your opinion" is a friend and worthy of your company.

Anyone that tears you down "stupid"" unintelligent""just don't get it" is not worthy of your relationship. And friendship by definition:

"a state of mutual trust and support"

Especially with anxiety, keep your head high.

Thanks, very good advise that. Will keep it in mind.

10-25-2014, 04:52 AM
It's just a different type of intelligence :)

Sometimes our friends can be our worst enemies. Telling someone they're stupid is not very nice.

Keep valuing your intelligence.. The world would be pretty boring if we all thought in the same way. Yeah very true :)

10-25-2014, 05:05 AM
My friends insult me all the time! Claiming I am "stupid"!

My friends wouldn't have any teeth left in their mouths, and would be eating through a straw.

Enduronman. :)

Seaghn-Scott White
10-25-2014, 05:23 AM
Do you have an anxiety problem, or a steroid induced psychosis problem? Or a public forum induced psychosis problem? :confused:


10-25-2014, 05:24 AM
My friends wouldn't have any teeth left in their mouths, and would be eating through a straw.

Enduronman. :)

Haha. :)


10-25-2014, 05:29 AM
Haha. :)


Fa sho!...
My compliments.

E-Man :)

10-25-2014, 06:02 AM
The real issue here is that you listen to them (because they are disguised as 'friends'). The human delivering the psychological blows could be disguised as anything, a friend, parent, professor, doctor, partner, spouse, president, or even a race or nation.

To some degree anxiety in itself brings with it some form of a blow to self worth. However repeated blows over the years from 'friends', 'parents' are what caused the anxiety and low self worth to begin with. You are literally use to it. The analogy of the trojan horse fits here. When the insult 'pops out' you accept it, allowing this psychological state in as a possibility, period. You could be an idiot.

I have written once before that the real problem a man faces, perhaps the greatest challenge of all, is his susceptibility to negative influences, both from himself and others. When this should be where his greatest shield is. A man or woman is surely destroyed swiftly and decisively should he leave open the gates of his mind to this "evil."

Now I said you joke and really don't take to heart the insults because those who give them are 'disguised' as friends, thus you are open to suggestions from them, and should insults fly hot and heavy, you either ignore or forgive. But make no mistake, you are learning to accept the insults, and often you will not know why, but you will overall feel them as insecurity, shyness, shame, guilt, turning inward to criticize and blame. 'Maybe I am stupid".

Keep in mind, this is a trend that began from your parents. Where you would surely forget or forgive, or believe and tear yourself apart for not being good enough.

Truth is, it is abuse whether the abuse is from a friend, foe, parent, or all three at once. Or if all three are perceived in the same person, that is the most insidious, you see.

This is a good lesson for all the readers here.

10-25-2014, 06:13 AM
The creative mind and the logical mind will often clash. The creative can appear to be too free-floating and artsy; the logical too rigid and lacking vision. Both are extremely intelligent in their own way, only the logical gets more credence as it appears more scientific. I know gypsy pointed this out, above.

Regardless of that, it's no reason to be insulted, especially by friends. I like what I.S said above. It does like seem these folks are disguised as friends, therefore their words are being given a weighted importance compared to, say, somebody you don't value at all.

As the old adage goes, with friends like that, who would need enemies? :)

10-25-2014, 06:51 AM
Thanks Jesse, very wise. This will all help a lot.

Thanks I'm suffering, very wise as well, think though it's not a broken friendship because of that, it's just that it needs change