View Full Version : freaking out about stupid things

10-24-2014, 03:26 PM
this morning, I had to take a pretty big pill and I've been taking it for a few days but today after i swallowed it ti felt kind of stuck in my throat and now I'm worried that it someone got into my lungs because my chest starting hurting a little bit(but that might be because I have a cold. Just wondering is it possible for a pill to go into your lungs cause its kinda freaking me out

10-24-2014, 03:31 PM
That's ok. Your amygdala is probably in a state whereby it's looking at every little thing that isn't normal, ready to panic.

What you're experiencing with the pill is probably a very slight scratch in your throat, which sort of makes it feel stuck, or like it hasn't gone down properly. It's not in your lungs. You're good my friend. :)

If the pill is non-medicinal, you could snap it in half. That'd make it easier to take. I do that with magnesium pills.

10-24-2014, 03:32 PM
It can happen.
But from what you wrote, it is not in your lungs
Put the blame firmly on the cold and the 'freaking out' you said you did.
Take care

10-24-2014, 08:56 PM
That's ok. Your amygdala is probably in a state whereby it's looking at every little thing that isn't normal, ready to panic.

This is exactly right.