View Full Version : nausea?

10-24-2014, 03:47 AM
I was wondering if nausea is anxiety related? Im still getting pressure in my head but Ive started to feel nauseous with it as well. I'm actually really scared. Can anyone help?

10-24-2014, 04:46 AM
Probably anxiety. I know I've had it when very anxious, and in the 'aftermath' of a panic attack before. It's a common symptom.

10-24-2014, 05:08 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if it's connected.

You know that anxiety is a mis-placed fight-or-flight reflex? It's what you see if you look at a scared horse or other animal.

When you're fleeing you will need every available ounce of oxygen in the blood to go to your muscles. To achieve this, the blood vessels around your stomach contract so they don't waste oxygen there. This causes your stomach and digestive system to shut down. You don't want stale food sitting around in a shut-down digestive system, so your body would like you to throw it up please. That's as exciting as it gets.

When you're scared and need to flee or fight for your life it also makes sense to do it as light as possible. If you throw up your last meal you can run faster and it may be your attacker will prefer that, to the chance of getting hurt in a fight. You see this in other animals too.

If you understand the symptoms you're experiencing for what they really are it will help stop you thinking it's something else, causing more anxiety, creating more symptoms ... and so on.

Put your feet up and relax, or go for a walk and watch the wildlife, and I bet you'll feel tons better. Look after yourself.


ps. Or of course you might have eaten something dodgy!

10-24-2014, 07:10 AM
I was wondering if nausea is anxiety related? Im still getting pressure in my head but Ive started to feel nauseous with it as well. I'm actually really scared. Can anyone help?

I am a medium and I have not replied in detail to you yet, although I did ask you about death. Of course you are not going to die anytime soon. You will indeed grow into a late age. You have temporarily lost your will, however. So we will discuss more here.

The queasiness which to you feels like nausea is the better term. The neck and pressure along with queasy feelings is highly symbolic in that the doubt, the worry, not over health issues, because that is a children's game you play, but concern over physical life problems that you feel you cannot control. The pressure is a mounting frustration if you translate the feeling to a psychological state.

Frustration at work, money, and ultimately directed at the self, you just can't seem to get this game under control. The pressure is part despondent, blame, and repressed energies as you keep it mostly inside. You are not one to voice displeasure or even ask for what you want. Should you release these life-force energies the accompanying symptoms would fade.

The pressure physically has also to do in a lesser extent with a compression of the spine, being on your feet, not properly lifting, the body needs a time to recoup, again symbolic of the financial and daily pressures. The mental is the archetype.

The queasy feeling is partly from too much unwanted foods, spiritually speaking, especially from where you work, but mostly from the fears associated with the overall condition, the framework of life you seem to have gotten yourself into, against your will.

Again reflected in the lazy attitude towards death. Throwing your hands up in frustration " eh, what will be will be" along with the proverbial towel.

You can't give up, period. Because that attitude will bring a host of stubbed toes. You are still alive, and with that comes hope, desires, dreams, wishes.

Feeling stuck, your innate push toward creativity, is also stuck, and that will manifest itself as not only anxiety, but pressure. You are like a pressure cooker without a vent. In those terms, maybe you can understand.

Getting a handle on things, solving your problems, expressing yourself, finding who you are will resolve the conditions. In the meanwhile sip ginger ale to relieve to symptom and watch the food intake at work and at night. You are sensitive to eating creatures, if you understand. And dairy.

The following statement I hope you can intuitively feel, it would change your outlook :

Physical life is always a reflection of your mental state, and your expectations. You create your reality. Nothing physical happens on its own without the you first imagining it. Often time passes, so you miss the correlation, you simply forget your hand in it.

Period, end of post. In all cases, when you feel physically I'll, ask "what problem is unresolved, what is this feeling telling me? What needs attention, and what am I possibly holding in? Am I acting in my best interests, and coming from love in my decisions? Am I making any decisions at all, or have I given up, and feel powerless or simply unable to find solutions?

10-25-2014, 01:46 AM
I am a medium and I have not replied in detail to you yet, although I did ask you about death. Of course you are not going to die anytime soon. You will indeed grow into a late age. You have temporarily lost your will, however. So we will discuss more here.

The queasiness which to you feels like nausea is the better term. The neck and pressure along with queasy feelings is highly symbolic in that the doubt, the worry, not over health issues, because that is a children's game you play, but concern over physical life problems that you feel you cannot control. The pressure is a mounting frustration if you translate the feeling to a psychological state.

Frustration at work, money, and ultimately directed at the self, you just can't seem to get this game under control. The pressure is part despondent, blame, and repressed energies as you keep it mostly inside. You are not one to voice displeasure or even ask for what you want. Should you release these life-force energies the accompanying symptoms would fade.

The pressure physically has also to do in a lesser extent with a compression of the spine, being on your feet, not properly lifting, the body needs a time to recoup, again symbolic of the financial and daily pressures. The mental is the archetype.

The queasy feeling is partly from too much unwanted foods, spiritually speaking, especially from where you work, but mostly from the fears associated with the overall condition, the framework of life you seem to have gotten yourself into, against your will.

Again reflected in the lazy attitude towards death. Throwing your hands up in frustration " eh, what will be will be" along with the proverbial towel.

You can't give up, period. Because that attitude will bring a host of stubbed toes. You are still alive, and with that comes hope, desires, dreams, wishes.

Feeling stuck, your innate push toward creativity, is also stuck, and that will manifest itself as not only anxiety, but pressure. You are like a pressure cooker without a vent. In those terms, maybe you can understand.

Getting a handle on things, solving your problems, expressing yourself, finding who you are will resolve the conditions. In the meanwhile sip ginger ale to relieve to symptom and watch the food intake at work and at night. You are sensitive to eating creatures, if you understand. And dairy.

The following statement I hope you can intuitively feel, it would change your outlook :

Physical life is always a reflection of your mental state, and your expectations. You create your reality. Nothing physical happens on its own without the you first imagining it. Often time passes, so you miss the correlation, you simply forget your hand in it.

Period, end of post. In all cases, when you feel physically I'll, ask "what problem is unresolved, what is this feeling telling me? What needs attention, and what am I possibly holding in? Am I acting in my best interests, and coming from love in my decisions? Am I making any decisions at all, or have I given up, and feel powerless or simply unable to find solutions?

I like taking the time to read and re-read your posts. You have given me a lot to think about and your words are comforting. I am glad you took the time to write such a wonderful reply :) I've read this a few times now and I think it will help me out a heck of a lot. So thankyou :)

10-25-2014, 05:20 AM
I like taking the time to read and re-read your posts. You have given me a lot to think about and your words are comforting. I am glad you took the time to write such a wonderful reply :) I've read this a few times now and I think it will help me out a heck of a lot. So thankyou :)

Thank you Mr. Suffering.
Blessings to you.
Have a great day friend!!!

Enduronman. :)

Seaghn-Scott White
10-26-2014, 12:17 AM
That's tricky. Nausea and a sense of cranial pressure are common symptoms of anxiety. They are also symptoms of ICP. You might be prone to sinus infections which create that feeling of pressure. If you were experiencing inter-cranial pressure of an acute medical nature, you'd likely be in the ER and possibly unconscious.

You should consult a health professional. There are many causes, but your history of anxiety, while it doesn't rule them out, points to anxiety symptoms. If you can't afford a physician or an NP..

You know that anxiety is a mis-placed fight-or-flight reflex?

Which is why I almost always recommend anger management Adam Sandler style. Experiencing anger, or feelings of aggression, will result in altering your hormonal balance. I know from personal experience with panic attacks and general anxiety that I can terminate anxiety my opting for an aggressive mental state.

It would also behoove you to consult a nutritionist. Nutrition can have a tremendous impact on your mental and physical well being. What is your diet like? I assume you don't live off of microwaved cheese burgers from Sam's club. I'm asking because I am currently pursuing my MSN, but amcconsidering pursuing a masters degree in dietetics, RN/NP and RD. I can not and will not diagnose you, but I can point you in the right direction. :)

10-26-2014, 12:26 AM
That's tricky. Nausea and a sense of cranial pressure are common symptoms of anxiety. They are also symptoms of ICP. You might be prone to sinus infections which create that feeling of pressure. If you were experiencing inter-cranial pressure of an acute medical nature, you'd likely be in the ER and possibly unconscious.

You should consult a health professional. There are many causes, but your history of anxiety, while it doesn't rule them out, points to anxiety symptoms. If you can't afford a physician or an NP..

I've had CT scans and head xrays done also full blood tests, they've ruled out a lot and basically have said it's just anxiety. Since I've been getting these symptoms for well over 2,months now and haven't dropped dead or even fell unconscious I'm pretty sure that's all it is. Trust me I've seen a lot of doctors.

Seaghn-Scott White
10-26-2014, 12:38 AM
So...? Good deal. Or not a good deal. That's a lot of radiation. Say, care to go dumpster diving some time? We're almost half way through the school year, and there's always a good take at the rented dorm trash bin at the end of the spring semester. Dibs on the best laptop. :) The bagels at Einstein Bro's are always fresh and bagged separately from the rest of the refuse. Expired fruit cups, too!

Am I being too aggressive? Sorry, feeling a little anxious. :)

10-26-2014, 12:42 AM
So...? Good deal. Or not a good deal. That's a lot of radiation. Say, care to go dumpster diving some time? We're almost half way through the school year, and there's always a good take at the rented dorm trash bin at the end of the spring semester. Dibs on the best laptop. :) The bagels at Einstein Bro's are always fresh and bagged separately from the rest of the refuse. Expired fruit cups, too!

Am I being too aggressive? Sorry, feeling a little anxious. :)

What is your problem? You're definitely not helping my health anxiety.
And you certainly can't blame being like that on being anxious.

Seaghn-Scott White
10-26-2014, 01:05 AM
I get it. You've had a broad array of tests, all of which resulted in a diagnosis of anxiety. Are you here for a second opinion, a differential diagnosis from a body of anxiety sufferers? It's a cheap alternative, and you get what you pay for.

You're here for the same reason that you were there. You want to live. I was suggesting taking you out on a very unusual date. If a free laptop doesn't interest you, how about a hand-cranked LED torchlight dinner behind the Papa John's. A dive into the dumpsters behind the Border's book store for comics stripped of their covers. We can skip over to the dump behind the local beer store and probably pull the equivalent of an eighteen pack of a variety of beers and howl at the moon for a few hours.

Sounds a hell of a lot more exciting than dinner, a movie, and few hours at the club, huh?