View Full Version : Alcohol

10-23-2014, 12:45 PM
Since I stopped drinking ( it's well over 10 years now ) my anxiety has been remarkably reduced.

Has anyone else experienced the same?

10-23-2014, 02:05 PM
Considering alcohol affects your nervous system. And that anxiety is a nervous system evoking condition. Yes, cutting out alcohol helps a lot ;)

10-23-2014, 03:31 PM
Alcohol has never been a problem for me thankfully. I drink so rarely. One thing that helped though was getting my diet locked. Anything you can do to help your body stay relaxed and stay stable is gonna be a real plus.

Did you quit drinking altogether?

10-23-2014, 10:53 PM
I'm currently trying to quit drinking (again!), so I'm glad to hear from folks that are feeling better after having quit. Good on you! :)

10-24-2014, 02:00 AM
I quit completely in 2003 - it wasn't easy as I was drinking far too much and had been drinking too much for many years.

It was a difficult losing that source of self-medication and took me a couple of years to adjust but I'd never go back again.