View Full Version : I feel like I won't ever live a happy life

10-23-2014, 08:13 AM

I have been dealing with anxiety since I was a kid. Now I have been on sick leave for about 2-3 years, and at the moment I am looking for a workplace were I can do my work-practice (or what's it called in english?). I've been better and I've been worse, but now, for some months, it has been worse. I have a psychologist who I now see once a month, and I think that's one of the things that's so hard for me - to trust my self and deal with my anxiety myself, with the tools I've got from my psychologist.

But it's so damn hard. It's so so so damn hard. For some weeks now, I have been feeling that I won't ever be able to live a happy life. I have to much problems, I won't meet a lover who can deal with that, I have to much problems with feeling lonley and so on, I worrie to much to be able to have a happy life. And I know that this is catastrophizing, but i belive in it anyway. I just don't see any way out. And it's so damn hard to keep on struggle even though I feel this way. How, and WHY would I belive in that life will be good, when it has always been so very hard for me? I've had much happiness in my life, but always with the companion anxiety and worry. And these last years I've been dealing with more of the bad than the good.

I am getting help, I have good friends and I eat good, do my yoga, I use my "tools", I work out and so on.

10-23-2014, 10:11 AM
What medications have you tried/are you taking?

10-23-2014, 02:36 PM
. I just don't see any way out. False belief

I've had much happiness in my life. Good

I am getting help, Good

I have good friends .. Good

and I eat good..Good

do my yoga..Good

I use my "tools"..Good

I work out..Good

and so on..Good

There's always a way out, a.l.w.a.y.s - all-ways, now, get this - it will save your life, it could be tricky.. here it comes :

There is all-ways a way out - if there was a way in, there's a way out..

The false belief that there's no way out is such an insidious lie that it blinds you to all the good I highlighted in your post.

Look at it.

If you begin to believe the opposite, for example " I'm in a mess for sure, but there is a way out and I will rely on my inner senses, my intuition, and my reasoning to combine and present my conscious self with an answer"

Now, those words spoken before bed will attract solutions to any issue you may face.

Whereas "it is hopeless, there's no way out" repeated hundreds of times will produce matching results.

One is constructive, the other destructive. And heres the biggest lesson: you are not at the mercy of fate, period. You create your reality and get what you expect.

Now, what do you expect?

This? - (thread title)
"I feel like I won't ever live a happy life"

Listen to your thoughts, but, you do not have to believe them. They are not facts. Therefor you can say "this thought does not suit me, or my best interests, nor does it feel good, let me try another belief" -

"I feel like a happy life is just around the corner, that if only I felt I deserved it, my dreams could come true"

Do you deserve to be happy?

End of post

10-24-2014, 04:54 AM
There's always a way out, a.l.w.a.y.s - all-ways, now, get this - it will save your life, it could be tricky.. here it comes :

There is all-ways a way out - if there was a way in, there's a way out..

The false belief that there's no way out is such an insidious lie that it blinds you to all the good I highlighted in your post.

Look at it.

If you begin to believe the opposite, for example " I'm in a mess for sure, but there is a way out and I will rely on my inner senses, my intuition, and my reasoning to combine and present my conscious self with an answer"

Now, those words spoken before bed will attract solutions to any issue you may face.

Whereas "it is hopeless, there's no way out" repeated hundreds of times will produce matching results.

One is constructive, the other destructive. And heres the biggest lesson: you are not at the mercy of fate, period. You create your reality and get what you expect.

Now, what do you expect?

This? - (thread title)
"I feel like I won't ever live a happy life"

Listen to your thoughts, but, you do not have to believe them. They are not facts. Therefor you can say "this thought does not suit me, or my best interests, nor does it feel good, let me try another belief" -

"I feel like a happy life is just around the corner, that if only I felt I deserved it, my dreams could come true"

Do you deserve to be happy?

End of post

Woah, that is a masterpiece.
Definitely the advice which will serve you the most!

Everyone could learn a bit from that.
You are now on the road to recovery, well, the recovery of your mental health.