View Full Version : such a bad day.

10-23-2014, 05:19 AM
Just found out that I'll be short on money over the next few weeks and I've gone back to basically square one with the panic attacks and every other symptom. It's like I never even started to get better.

Anxiety is a horrible thing and I'm not coping at all. :(

10-23-2014, 05:32 AM
It is a horrible thing.

It's those situations that come out of the blue hit you worst. A few times over the past few years I've suffered from burglaries at home and work and just that little loss of control, the unexpected extra stress, the financial implications, the loss of sleep all hit me like a ton of bricks.

The good news is things will sort themselves out, and by separating the actual jobs that need doing - the re-bugeting, the planning, the talking to the landlord or whatever it is from the bad feelings, you can wade through all the things you need to do that will ultimately help sort out the stress.

Maybe write a list of things to do and try and advise yourself as if you were advising a friend. It's always easier than it feels.

Hope you feel a bit better very soon.


10-23-2014, 06:39 AM
It is a horrible thing.

It's those situations that come out of the blue hit you worst. A few times over the past few years I've suffered from burglaries at home and work and just that little loss of control, the unexpected extra stress, the financial implications, the loss of sleep all hit me like a ton of bricks.

The good news is things will sort themselves out, and by separating the actual jobs that need doing - the re-bugeting, the planning, the talking to the landlord or whatever it is from the bad feelings, you can wade through all the things you need to do that will ultimately help sort out the stress.

Maybe write a list of things to do and try and advise yourself as if you were advising a friend. It's always easier than it feels.

Hope you feel a bit better very soon.


The OP and anyone reading this needs to realize that Ryker just gave some valuable information that one must follow, recognize to heal anxiety, overall. No exceptions, read on.

Ryker gave suggestions to solve the problem the OP is having, that is triggering the anxiety. The OP blames the anxiety itself rather than the problem for how she feels.

"such a bad day.

Just found out that I'll be short on money over the next few weeks and I've gone back to basically square one with the panic attacks and every other symptom. It's like I never even started to get better.

Anxiety is a horrible thing and I'm not coping at all"

Any illness or discomfort is always the inability to solve mental or psychological problems in the correct manner.

So here we have the OP blaming anxiety itself for how she feels, when the real emotional issue is money and the dire pictures it paints in the imagination. The despondency, the frustration, the worry, doubts.

Should the OP solve the money drama, the anxiety would cease, at least in regards to that issue.

Now the money drama has many tentacles, self worth, esteem, self love, abundance, and often leads to negative self suggestions. "I can never, I will never...I am not worthy, I'm always stuck..there's never enough..thee no hope, I will be homeless, etc" the list of beliefs is extensive. Only through self examination can one see his/her thoughts that always lead back to beliefs.

Then we have Ryker intuitively offering solutions to the actual problem. My friends, always look for the mental impetus for the physical symptoms, for there is always a psychological catalyst. The problem arises when you are so in dread of the way you feel physically, you cannot move past that. So wait until things settle in your bodies and then get to work on solutions.

10-23-2014, 08:09 AM
Try to take things a day at a time. I've been in these situations where you think you can't possibly find a way out.. But panicking never helps anything. I know it's hard not to panic but you'll recover from the shock of realising you've got money problems. Then you can try and figure out solutions. If you can't do anything about it right now then there's no point worrying. :)