View Full Version : Anxiety among a few things.

Wings of the wicked
10-22-2014, 08:47 AM
It has been two years since I have had any anxiety issues, and it felt really good. BUT ever since I heard about the Ebola cases in Dallas I have been experiencing fears and anxiety.

Last week I had to get blood done at the lab and yesterday I saw my primary doc and had to get blood work done again yesterday and tomorrow I need to go and have some CT scans done, because I have been in medical facilitates the past two weeks I am so scared that I somehow have contracted Ebola and do not know it yet or I will. I know it sounds crazy but ever since the whole Dallas thing I just do not feel safe going to medical places or being around those I don't know, I am even afraid of my husband contracting it at the office or my daughter contracting it at school somehow because I know people fly all the time and there are a lot of people in her class who have parents and relatives who fly internationally. I did not feel like I was at risk until I started having to go to doctors offices. I know it's not in my control the situation that is happening in the world but still I feel like I have this horrible impending doom following me around and its only a matter of time before the worst terrifying thing happens. and on top of it because I am having headaches lately the CT scans are to make sure its nothing serious in my head and all I can think of is I am fearful for a tumor. I just can't win right now this month. ugh.

10-22-2014, 09:46 AM
I have been experiencing fears
I am so scared
I somehow have contracted Ebola
it sounds crazy
my husband contracting it
not in my control
impending doom
its only a matter of time
the worst terrifying thing happens.

Above I have handpicked from your post, your beliefs, so you can see the horrors your mind attracts (and your world view), in black and white. They are your words. Even your nickname suggests a vulnerable world open to evils.

Now, here is a truthful core belief to replace all of them (ie: lies) with:

The world is good, where good things happen.

__________________________________________________ _________

No matter the amount of time between anxiety or the triggers like Ebola. It could of been a poisonous fig tree that dropped its fig on you, if you hold these kind of beliefs its only a matter of time before the true emotions come to the surface.

Unless you know how to examine your own mind and replace/release beliefs/emotions, then therapy would help more than a CAT scan ever could.

I suggest you give this post deep thought. Along with any other readers of like mind that so "happen" to come across it.