View Full Version : Paranoid boyfriend

10-21-2014, 05:06 PM
Hello guys,

I'm currently being treated on Panic Disorder and have been doing great so far. I met a foreign guy and he is staying in my country for good because of me and other reasons. The problem is that he started having these paranoid thoughts that some people are trying to make him leave the country, that they don't want him here and this is giving us a huge amount of stress. He is getting paranoid for the smallest things. I don't know what to do, I'm trying to be strong and explain to him that those things are only in his head, but this is very hard and this makes me very very anxious too. I love him so much and I just want things to go back to normal. To add up to it, he decided to quit smoking and this is adding even more stress to the situation... Does anyone have some advice? I'm completely lost...

PS: English is not my mother language, so I apologize in advance for any error.

10-21-2014, 07:12 PM
Wow. Quitting smoking is a bitch but doing it when you are freaking out over other things doesn't seem to be the wisest of moves

I think any foreigner to a country probably is a little nervous as people become more concerned about being blown up. Seems all people are becoming somewhat paranoid

I am sure he will be fine and just needs a bit of time to adjust

10-22-2014, 02:26 AM
Thank you for the support.

I agree it is not wise at all... But I don't want to tell him "Hey, don't quit now"... Sometimes he gets paranoid about me too, sometimes he thinks I'm scheming with other people to make fun of him and he starts seeing double meaning in everything I say :(

Wow. Quitting smoking is a bitch but doing it when you are freaking out over other things doesn't seem to be the wisest of moves

I think any foreigner to a country probably is a little nervous as people become more concerned about being blown up. Seems all people are becoming somewhat paranoid

I am sure he will be fine and just needs a bit of time to adjust