View Full Version : Found out I have low HDL.. Scared now

10-21-2014, 10:17 AM
Well, I met with my doctor today and he was going over my blood work. He said that I had low HDL "good cholesterol" but he only said one thing about it that I was at a higher cardiac risk. I've been having chest pains lately, burning chest, and stiffness in my neck, etc. I've had many EKG's, stress eco, and blood work done. Everything showed good. My cardiologist said to me, the stress eco proves to him that I have a healthy heart. However, this doctor said to me that its only a "Test" and it doesn't mean much to him, and this got me extremely worried. I was under the impression CT scan with the dye of chest and stress eco, were pretty dang accurate.

I was dealing with acid reflux before all this happened, he said anxiety triggers the acid in my stomach. I told him, as he was telling me about "heart" stuff and low cholesterol, my chest started burning and I was having chest pressure!! He didn't seem to concerned. He put me on a new medicine I haven't taken yet, that will "numb" my esophagus area.

I'm losing my mind right now, I can't tell if I have a heart issue, anxiety, acid reflux.. UGH!!

Help :(

10-21-2014, 11:13 AM
Well, I met with my doctor today and he was going over my blood work. He said that I had low HDL "good cholesterol" but he only said one thing about it that I was at a higher cardiac risk. I've been having chest pains lately, burning chest, and stiffness in my neck, etc. I've had many EKG's, stress eco, and blood work done. Everything showed good. My cardiologist said to me, the stress eco proves to him that I have a healthy heart. However, this doctor said to me that its only a "Test" and it doesn't mean much to him, and this got me extremely worried. I was under the impression CT scan with the dye of chest and stress eco, were pretty dang accurate.

I was dealing with acid reflux before all this happened, he said anxiety triggers the acid in my stomach. I told him, as he was telling me about "heart" stuff and low cholesterol, my chest started burning and I was having chest pressure!! He didn't seem to concerned. He put me on a new medicine I haven't taken yet, that will "numb" my esophagus area.

I'm losing my mind right now, I can't tell if I have a heart issue, anxiety, acid reflux.. UGH!!

Help :(

Post your complete diet here

10-21-2014, 11:25 AM
Post your complete diet here

I eat fairly well. Generally greek yogurt/banana in the morning, some kind of grilled chicken sandwich at lunch. After work, healthy nuts, go to gym, then whey protein shake. Supper is generally a turkey breast or chicken breast.

I know I need to get some fish in there some where now, I haven't ate much fish at all lately.

10-21-2014, 12:21 PM
The only real way to raise your HDL naturally is by aerobic activity. Get your heart rate up tp 70% of its maximum (calucate 220 - Age to get your max heartrate) and do aerobic activity for 30 mins a day 3x a week (running, bicycle, rowing etc). Of course diet is a factor but it accentuates raising your HDL. In other words, your diet will help your aeorbic activity getting your HDL up.

I wouldn't reccomend b6 shots...they make you very nauseous so stay away from injections. there are some medications that raise your HDL but only about 10%.

If you dont have a history of heart disease and your heart in healthy, don't fret over it. Just take the neccessary steps and you'll be fine :)

10-21-2014, 01:39 PM
The only real way to raise your HDL naturally is by aerobic activity. Get your heart rate up tp 70% of its maximum (calucate 220 - Age to get your max heartrate) and do aerobic activity for 30 mins a day 3x a week (running, bicycle, rowing etc). Of course diet is a factor but it accentuates raising your HDL. In other words, your diet will help your aeorbic activity getting your HDL up.

I wouldn't reccomend b6 shots...they make you very nauseous so stay away from injections. there are some medications that raise your HDL but only about 10%.

If you dont have a history of heart disease and your heart in healthy, don't fret over it. Just take the neccessary steps and you'll be fine :)

Last night I was working out, then I ended up getting anxiety I guess in the middle of it and left.. I think It's all in my head. I asked myself "Am I ok?" and then I started feeling chest pains.

10-21-2014, 02:44 PM
I eat fairly well. Generally greek yogurt/banana in the morning, some kind of grilled chicken sandwich at lunch. After work, healthy nuts, go to gym, then whey protein shake. Supper is generally a turkey breast or chicken breast.

I know I need to get some fish in there some where now, I haven't ate much fish at all lately.

Another words, low to no fat, and low hdl. you've got to have fats. Tuna, sardines, salmon, 3-4 times per week in lieu of the chicken or turkey.

As far as the exercise, don't push yourself. Keep in mind your not pushing the exercise to become fit, your pushing it to see if you get pains. Where the 'old you' could exercise without pain seemingly forever, that was indeed due to your beliefs at that time. You are not the same person now.

The real work is on your beliefs, not your bicepts. Should the beliefs change the hdl would normalize without a food change or exercise.

For now, be good to yourself, take it easy, relax, and have your spine checked by a chiro when you have the chance. Look for pinched nerves that wrap to the front. The harder you try to get rid of the pain externally rather than mental work, the harder you work out and push yourself (unknowingly because the beliefs are hidden), the less fish and good fats you eat to artificially lower the hdl, and the more you feel the pinge of the nerves in the chest area.

I hope you understand what we have discussed. It is not the normal discourse.

10-21-2014, 04:41 PM
Another words, low to no fat, and low hdl. you've got to have fats. Tuna, sardines, salmon, 3-4 times per week in lieu of the chicken or turkey.

As far as the exercise, don't push yourself. Keep in mind your not pushing the exercise to become fit, your pushing it to see if you get pains. Where the 'old you' could exercise without pain seemingly forever, that was indeed due to your beliefs at that time. You are not the same person now.

The real work is on your beliefs, not your bicepts. Should the beliefs change the hdl would normalize without a food change or exercise.

For now, be good to yourself, take it easy, relax, and have your spine checked by a chiro when you have the chance. Look for pinched nerves that wrap to the front. The harder you try to get rid of the pain externally rather than mental work, the harder you work out and push yourself (unknowingly because the beliefs are hidden), the less fish and good fats you eat to artificially lower the hdl, and the more you feel the pinge of the nerves in the chest area.

I hope you understand what we have discussed. It is not the normal discourse.

Thank you so much. The doctor prescribed me Lidocaine.. to numb my esophagus.. I did it and it was hard to swallow for a bit, then a panic attack happened. /sigh - I'm not sure if the chest pains are there any more, but we'll see if its GERD related.