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10-21-2014, 05:54 AM
I was wondering if anyone had any tips on anxiety attacks and managing head/neck pain that is anxiety related.

I don't hyperventilate when I'm having an attack, so breathing isn't a thing I can focus on. I'm just at a loss with them and also the pressure. There is no relief for either one :(

10-21-2014, 06:10 AM
The right medications my friend.
Or just try some OTC's like acetaminophen.
That may help with the pains..
Hopes for a great day Grimm!

E-Man :)

10-21-2014, 07:25 PM
I was wondering if anyone had any tips on anxiety attacks and managing head/neck pain that is anxiety related.

I don't hyperventilate when I'm having an attack, so breathing isn't a thing I can focus on. I'm just at a loss with them and also the pressure. There is no relief for either one :(

Usually once you realize something is anxiety related, it tends to stop

Anxiety isn't a fan of you knowing what is causing your issues so it usually finds another avenue to screw with you

You may not hyperventilate but you may be shallow chest breathing. UA anxious folks tend to do that

That will easily affect how your head feels. I would often get a very clogged and heavy feeling in my dome until I corrected my breathing back to normal

Just a thought

Hope this may make a bit of sense

10-22-2014, 01:38 AM
That will easily affect how your head feels. I would often get a very clogged and heavy feeling in my dome until I corrected my breathing back to normal

Just a thought

Hope this may make a bit of sense

I really hope thats all it is, its the worst pressure I've had if for a month now :(