View Full Version : Therapy, finally!

10-20-2014, 11:04 AM
Think I made a thread on this before, that I had an appointment, but I never received a letter back from the referral. Now I should be going, this time next week
Very positive about this, as I am forcing myself to be positive. I see it as the next step forward, after all the therapy I've had on here, a forum.
What should I expect? Should I expect drastic improvements fast, or a gradual process?

10-20-2014, 11:19 AM
Think I made a thread on this before, that I had an appointment, but I never received a letter back from the referral. Now I should be going, this time next week
Very positive about this, as I am forcing myself to be positive. I see it as the next step forward, after all the therapy I've had on here, a forum.
What should I expect? Should I expect drastic improvements fast, or a gradual process?

Congrats Joe. Go in with a open mind. No one can say what your experience will be, although I know for sure it is a step in the right direction! You may have drastic improvements in some area, and a gradual process in others. The lingo in recovery is "it is a process". Like the peeling of a onion...

Be encouraged!

10-20-2014, 11:28 AM
Thanks, that's very true. I do need an open mind.

10-20-2014, 11:30 AM
Think I made a thread on this before, that I had an appointment, but I never received a letter back from the referral. Now I should be going, this time next week
Very positive about this, as I am forcing myself to be positive. I see it as the next step forward, after all the therapy I've had on here, a forum.
What should I expect? Should I expect drastic improvements fast, or a gradual process?

please Joe, set your own expectations.

when you ask other people about theirs, they give you what was experienced because of their beliefs, and what particular hat they wore that day (mask).

now if you believe 'therapy does not work' or 'I am a tough nut to crack' then that's what you set up.

so the next few days before the appointment examine what beliefs come up and use that as a starting point.

'I found before I came here that I had the thought that therapy does not work, or maybe not for me, or maybe I'm a real tough case, or even I often sabotage even my best efforts'.....telling your therapist this would start on the right foot by first working to clear the path of any debris.

10-20-2014, 11:30 AM
Thanks, that's very true. I do need an open mind.

Yes, pre-conceived notions can mislead us. A open mind is ready and willing to learn and be non-resistant.

It is fine to ask others what their experiences have been, that's why we are here. It's a big deal to go in and tell a stranger your story.

10-20-2014, 11:37 AM
please Joe, set your own expectations.

when you ask other people about theirs, they give you what was experienced because of their beliefs, and what particular hat they wore that day (mask).

now if you believe 'therapy does not work' or 'I am a tough nut to crack' then that's what you set up.

so the next few days before the appointment examine what beliefs come up and use that as a starting point.

'I found before I came here that I had the thought that therapy does not work, or maybe not for me, or maybe I'm a real tough case, or even I often sabotage even my best efforts'.....telling your therapist this would start on the right foot by first working to clear the path of any debris.

Thanks, that is an amazing insight! I was at therapy today for my stuttering, she mentioned your point.
It's really difficult I find however to so effectively eliminate negative thoughts, and replace them with healthy ones, one belief of mine would then be 'my thoughts are embedded and therefore out of my control, must be really hard work to get rid of', as a starting point.

10-20-2014, 11:42 AM
Thanks, that is an amazing insight! I was at therapy today for my stuttering, she mentioned your point.
It's really difficult I find however to so effectively eliminate negative thoughts, and replace them with healthy ones, one belief of mine would then be 'my thoughts are embedded and therefore out of my control, must be really hard work to get rid of', as a starting point.


best regards -

10-20-2014, 12:26 PM
Thanks, that is an amazing insight! I was at therapy today for my stuttering, she mentioned your point.
It's really difficult I find however to so effectively eliminate negative thoughts, and replace them with healthy ones, one belief of mine would then be 'my thoughts are embedded and therefore out of my control, must be really hard work to get rid of', as a starting point.

Another idea would be that all thoughts are equal. Both good and bad. They come from a weightless place, and return to a weightless place. The only difference being we choose to hold on to some; have a relationship with them; listen to their stories. When you reach a point where you feel each thought as being as equal and as weightless as the last, regardless of what it says to you, you'll know peace.

CBT is one way of helping that process along. We like the sound that some thoughts or beliefs make. It's true. Some we have soft spots for. They create a kind of music that's favourable to our ears. They talk in a tone that's authoritative and trustworthy, and so we assume them to be so. But they were just those weightless thoughts yet again, tricking us into having a relationship with them by coming at us from a different, more intimate angle.

It's a very enlightening experience when you really dig deep and find out what patterns you've developed, and even more interestingly, which you've become attached to; which you deem useful.

How much you'll get out of therapy depends on how much you enjoy the process, how good your rapport is with your therapist. The best therapists do nothing more than act as very clear mirrors. They allow you to see yourself better, and in those enlightened folks, which make no doubt about it - you are, instantaneous change - or correction, which would be a better word to use - can take place.

Hope it goes well for you, bud.

10-20-2014, 02:37 PM
Another idea would be that all thoughts are equal. Both good and bad. They come from a weightless place, and return to a weightless place. The only difference being we choose to hold on to some; have a relationship with them; listen to their stories. When you reach a point where you feel each thought as being as equal and as weightless as the last, regardless of what it says to you, you'll know peace.

CBT is one way of helping that process along. We like the sound that some thoughts or beliefs make. It's true. Some we have soft spots for. They create a kind of music that's favourable to our ears. They talk in a tone that's authoritative and trustworthy, and so we assume them to be so. But they were just those weightless thoughts yet again, tricking us into having a relationship with them by coming at us from a different, more intimate angle.

It's a very enlightening experience when you really dig deep and find out what patterns you've developed, and even more interestingly, which you've become attached to; which you deem useful.

How much you'll get out of therapy depends on how much you enjoy the process, how good your rapport is with your therapist. The best therapists do nothing more than act as very clear mirrors. They allow you to see yourself better, and in those enlightened folks, which make no doubt about it - you are, instantaneous change - or correction, which would be a better word to use - can take place.

Hope it goes well for you, bud.

Thank you, as clear and helpful as ever Jesse!
Interesting point on thoughts you made, CBT is something I mean to look into.

10-20-2014, 02:37 PM
Been said before and I will echo. Keep your mind open and set your own expectation. Each person will react differently so we can set the bar for you with out causing more issues. Especially with our type of condition.

So take in what the therapist gives you. PRACTICE THEM! Dont just take them and use then when you see the therapist or use then only when the attacks come one. Practice them couple times a day even when you are feeling good! To reinforce the positives!

Good luck and HAVE FUN with it!

10-20-2014, 02:49 PM
Thanks exactice, always positive energy from you!
Just hope I've got a good therapist :)

10-20-2014, 02:52 PM
Dont worry to much about the Therapist.... see if you can absorb the information they give. You can always get a good person to talk to, but you want the therapist that has the right tools to help you heal!!!

It is always a pleasure Joe, I am just happy to see people making the right steps forward and I will do what I can to help them!

10-20-2014, 02:55 PM
Excellent news Joe!
I am leaving for my 3rd therapy appointment in a few minutes, we will see what tonight has in store for me.
They do force you to dig really deep within your mind and spirit as well. It is a bit challenging at first I must say.
It will all be worth it my friend. Please report back when you go too. Your perspectives and opinions would be of great value to you and us as well.
Blessings to you bruh!

Enduronman :)

10-20-2014, 02:57 PM
Excellent news Joe!
I am leaving for my 3rd therapy appointment in a few minutes, we will see what tonight has in store for me.
They do force you to dig really deep within your mind and spirit as well. It is a bit challenging at first I must say.
It will all be worth it my friend. Please report back when you go too. Your perspectives and opinions would be of great value to you and us as well.
Blessings to you bruh!

Enduronman :)

THIS!!!!!! E-man is exactly right. This is why sometimes people get mad or dont like their therapist because the therapist tries to challenge the person to uncomfortable levels and they feel like the therapist is not listening to them. But in reality they are really trying to help break through the barrier that we ALL get stuck at!

10-20-2014, 03:27 PM
Excellent news Joe!
I am leaving for my 3rd therapy appointment in a few minutes, we will see what tonight has in store for me.
They do force you to dig really deep within your mind and spirit as well. It is a bit challenging at first I must say.
It will all be worth it my friend. Please report back when you go too. Your perspectives and opinions would be of great value to you and us as well.
Blessings to you bruh!

Enduronman :)
Thanks E-Man
Will definitely report back

10-20-2014, 03:34 PM
Thanks E-Man
Will definitely report back

Ok,.here I go! YAY!!! :)
The healing process continues bruh....
Keep us updated.

E-Man :)