View Full Version : Thoughts on being diagnosed with anxiety?

10-18-2014, 09:55 PM
Just wondering, but what are people's thoughts on being diagnosed with anxiety? Do you accept it and try and find treatment? Or are you like me and can't accept it until they hopefully find something physically wrong?

I've mentioned before that I've had a CT scan out of fear of an aneurysm, a holster monitor on for 21 hours out of fear for a heart disease and complete blood analysis done out of fear for any cancers.

I suffer from mild to severe neck stiffness and migraines that sometimes leaves me incapable of doing day to day activities, hence the fear of an aneurysm. (All my tests came back fine)

I want to know if anyone is as stubborn as I am in not accepting it's just anxiety, because I'm always believing its something much worse because I can't understand anxiety causing physical symptoms like this. I have every symptom for a brain aneurysm and I'm going nuts whenever the doctors tell me to just go home. :(

10-19-2014, 04:39 AM
I've also been getting severe pain on my face of in front of my ear which radiates to my head and down my neck, is this normal?

10-19-2014, 11:53 AM
I get checked out by a medical doctor when I am concerned about a potential medical issue. But at the same time, I accept that I have anxiety -- and I seek to deal with that as well. So, both.

10-19-2014, 06:55 PM
I get checked out by a medical doctor when I am concerned about a potential medical issue. But at the same time, I accept that I have anxiety -- and I seek to deal with that as well. So, both.

Yeah I'm always at the doctors I think they're sick of me hahaha, I just can't accept it, I've been sick all my life with various things so I guess I'm just used to expecting the worst.

10-19-2014, 07:49 PM
I continually think there has to be something physically wrong with me too.....It's just so hard to believe that some of the physical symptoms I have are actually caused by anxiety. Anyone that suffers from anxiety and has the physical symptoms has had numerous tests done....I have also been hooked to a holter monitor for fear of a heart condition; I've had a CT scan done for fear of a brain tumor. I've had stress tests done to make sure my heart was alright; I've been to the ER on numerous occasions, sure I was having a heart attack. I'm still here, and so are some of the symptoms. I saw a video on anxiety once that said "Instead of trying to treat all of the ailments we think we have, we should treat what we know we have.......anxiety". In a nutshell, it's just telling us to accept what we have and try to focus on manageing the anxiety and stress. I have been trying to do this and it does help with the anxiety, yet I still deal with the symptoms and fear. It's an ongoing process.......God Bless and hope you feel better.

10-19-2014, 11:31 PM
I continually think there has to be something physically wrong with me too.....It's just so hard to believe that some of the physical symptoms I have are actually caused by anxiety. Anyone that suffers from anxiety and has the physical symptoms has had numerous tests done....I have also been hooked to a holter monitor for fear of a heart condition; I've had a CT scan done for fear of a brain tumor. I've had stress tests done to make sure my heart was alright; I've been to the ER on numerous occasions, sure I was having a heart attack. I'm still here, and so are some of the symptoms. I saw a video on anxiety once that said "Instead of trying to treat all of the ailments we think we have, we should treat what we know we have.......anxiety". In a nutshell, it's just telling us to accept what we have and try to focus on manageing the anxiety and stress. I have been trying to do this and it does help with the anxiety, yet I still deal with the symptoms and fear. It's an ongoing process.......God Bless and hope you feel better.

Im not even getting anxiety attacks anymore so the way I think is that I can't blame anxiety anymore so it must be something serious. I don't know, I'm just not sure what it is anymore whether its just what's left of my anxiety epidemic or whether it is actually something physical. The doctors assure me it isn't but since I'm not getting the attacks anymore my brains gone into overdrive.

Thanks for taking the time to reply! :)

10-20-2014, 01:44 AM
I understand what you mean.......sometimes, even when I feel good, I occasionally get some anxiety symptoms such as tingling in the hands or feet, or maybe a little derealization. I'm no expert, but I do believe that individuals with anxiety issues are always on "edge" or are super tuned into how they are feeling. Any nervousness, whether you feel it or not, may manifest itself totally different than what other people experience. Your brain is always in overdrive trying to figure out what is wrong. It is super tuned into everything around you.....which is why I believe that even though you aren't having panic attacks or anxiety, your body may be sending you a message that it is super hyper or a little anxious

10-20-2014, 02:23 AM
I understand what you mean.......sometimes, even when I feel good, I occasionally get some anxiety symptoms such as tingling in the hands or feet, or maybe a little derealization. I'm no expert, but I do believe that individuals with anxiety issues are always on "edge" or are super tuned into how they are feeling. Any nervousness, whether you feel it or not, may manifest itself totally different than what other people experience. Your brain is always in overdrive trying to figure out what is wrong. It is super tuned into everything around you.....which is why I believe that even though you aren't having panic attacks or anxiety, your body may be sending you a message that it is super hyper or a little anxious

Ahhh I see, well that absolutely blows. Why is anxiety so complicated haha :( I constantly have the head and neck pressure even though there's nothing wrong with me, it's so weird. Just can't accept it as anxiety.

10-20-2014, 03:59 AM
Just can't accept it as anxiety.

It is exactly what it is.
It's just anxiety, work on treating the actual issue friend.
You'll have to try some medications, and also get an appointment to see a therapist as well.
Blessings to you.


10-20-2014, 04:08 AM
It is exactly what it is.
It's just anxiety, work on treating the actual issue friend.
You'll have to try some medications, and also get an appointment to see a therapist as well.
Blessings to you.


Yeah I'm seeing someone atm I've only been once though. I really hope I get through this.