View Full Version : Cycling between depression and anxiety

10-17-2014, 09:29 PM
So I've been on Cymbalta for three weeks (60mg) and I know that it can take 6-8 to get the full effect but I'm kind of concerned about how I'm cycling between depression and anxiety so frequently. Before I was on meds I also had the tendency to cycle between anxiety and depression, rarely would they appear at the same time. Basically if the anxiety lessened the depression would get worse and when the depression lifted or improved the anxiety would get worse.
The first few weeks of the Cymbalta, my depression was pretty much non-existent. I was still experiencing some anxiety but it was pretty manageable. Then "that time of the month came" and both the anxiety and depression symptoms came back full force. Ever since then it seems like my body has never really bounced back.
Last week I had two panic attacks towards the end of the week, one of them was during a therapy session after not having any attacks in weeks. This week I've been bouncing back and forth between being depressed and anxious the last four days (more anxious than depressed).
I guess my question is does the fact that this is happening mean the meds aren't working or that I need to go up on my dosage? Any advice you guys have would be helpful.