View Full Version : Anxiety and panic attack

10-16-2014, 04:30 AM
This is my first time posting about my issues. Over the past 6 months my I have had a couple of bad flare ups of anxiety. The first episode was in April when I went for a promotion at work and I began to freak out during the written questions. For the next 4 or 5 days my anxiety levels were sky high and I had a few panic attacks for the first time as I couldn't stop thinking about how I thought I had messed up. I was also about to go on a stag do which I had organised as best man the weekend after the interview. I was stressing about the stag do and even tthough it went well I was focusing on the things that could have been better and really obsessing on this negative thought. This has been playing on my mind ever since and I have been struggling to get this negative thought out of my head. I keep thinking I should have done things better, even though everyone seemed to have a good. I keep thinking about the things I should have done better and how I feel as though I let my mate down.

In the context of life this is trivial but inside my head this is real and overwhelming a d when Iv been at my worst I ha e had panic attacks. Iv had a permanent headache for days and I feel as though I'm struggling to look forward to things. I hate this feeling inside my head and would much sooner be physically ill.

If anyone can offer and advice that would be great.

10-16-2014, 07:37 AM
This is my first time posting about my issues. Over the past 6 months my I have had a couple of bad flare ups of anxiety. The first episode was in April when I went for a promotion at work and I began to freak out during the written questions. For the next 4 or 5 days my anxiety levels were sky high and I had a few panic attacks for the first time as I couldn't stop thinking about how I thought I had messed up. I was also about to go on a stag do which I had organised as best man the weekend after the interview. I was stressing about the stag do and even tthough it went well I was focusing on the things that could have been better and really obsessing on this negative thought. This has been playing on my mind ever since and I have been struggling to get this negative thought out of my head. I keep thinking I should have done things better, even though everyone seemed to have a good. I keep thinking about the things I should have done better and how I feel as though I let my mate down.

In the context of life this is trivial but inside my head this is real and overwhelming a d when Iv been at my worst I ha e had panic attacks. Iv had a permanent headache for days and I feel as though I'm struggling to look forward to things. I hate this feeling inside my head and would much sooner be physically ill.

If anyone can offer and advice that would be great.

This is simply a reflection of childhood conditioning. If you look back, examining your interactions with your caretakers, your behaviours and current thoughts would make sense. There at a young age you learned to second guess yourself, and backpeddle for approval, where that was a means to an end. You just wanted to be loved. Your answers will be there, in your mind, as you take a look at your beliefs, about yourself, your capabilities, and all of that in relation to your life today.
