View Full Version : Why??

10-15-2014, 01:55 AM
Good day all,

its been a while, hope everyone is well!!!

So I've been smoking huble buble / shisha pipe for years now.......it's like my thing to chill out from day to days stress. Anyway now that my anxiety is back was sick due to anxiety medication (Lexamil), system rejected it! So I've been unable to smoke hubly for the past 2 weeks now because as I start smoking it I get mad heart palpitations?? why is this happening now all of a sudden? It takes a while before it goes away and return to normal! this sucks I cant smoke! I tried a couple of times in this week and over the weekend but now I get so anxious and I know what will happen (heart rate will increase)! what do I do? why is this happening now all of a sudden? anyone ever experience this or something similar? Is there anything I can do?