View Full Version : Anxiety and hallucinations

Anxious Frank
07-02-2008, 07:53 AM
Has anyone seen things that weren't there?

I remember a few times, during an attack, looking at people and seeing horrible, inhuman expressions on my friends and families faces. And other times being sure I had seen a mugger hiding in the shadows in the backyard.

Things like this really freaked me out. Am I the only one who gets this?

07-02-2008, 01:42 PM
are you sure you haven't had any mushrooms?

Anxious Frank
07-03-2008, 04:45 AM

07-09-2008, 12:43 AM
I frequently hallucinate when I have anxiety attacks. I find that it happens more so after weekends when I drink...drinking and anxiety definitely do not mix. And it's terrifying...hang in there!

Anxious Frank
07-10-2008, 01:55 AM
Yay! I'm not the only one!

Scary, even when you know they're not real.

07-15-2008, 12:35 AM
Yay! I'm not the only one!

Scary, even when you know they're not real.
Yeah, so true. I'm really bad with hearing things too. I constantly think I hear my garage door opening at night and stuff like that. Ugh, it's hard to even talk about.. :|