View Full Version : Eyes can't focus

10-14-2014, 04:00 PM
When in a moment of intense anxiety, or a panic attack, I seem to not be able to focus my vision on everything, my eyes just dart around. I don't feel in-control of this, and if I 'force' my eyes to stay in one place, tunnel vision sets in!
Deep breathing helps a bit here. This really can affect me, I.e playing a pool match like that would be difficult.
Any advise ?

10-14-2014, 04:36 PM
I get focus and visual disturbance problems often also. This is pretty inconvenient for me as I make a daily living as a tattoo artist lol. Its definitely a symptom of anxiety though and it does go away with time. My blurry vision was fairly bad a month ago and although my anxiety is the same the vision issues seem to have lifted quite a bit.

For advise Id say just try and roll with it and remember its just a symptom. Its easy to get worked up over vision symptoms because they are very intrusive, but that just leads to more anxiety and worse symptoms. Are you on any meds at all for your anxiety?

10-14-2014, 10:58 PM
That's ok. Had this symptom when had panic attacks. After attacks were gone didn't experience that again.

Advice: don't think much of it. Because if you get anxious about your eyes it will increase your overall anxiety and that will worsen more situation with eyes. Don't get caught in vicious circle!