View Full Version : Worried about breathing.

10-14-2014, 12:11 PM
I've suffered from anxiety for a year now. At first I took Beta-blockers but stopped once my anxiety calmed down. I was fairly anxiety free until a couple of months ago when I got a viral infection in my throat that eventually turned into a chest infection. It's been two months now and I still have a slight cough with pleghm present. Despite several doctors trips, i still get episodes of not being able to breath properly. I constantly fear that I'm about to stop breathing or that there's something wrong with my lungs. Can anyone relate to this or shed some light on how to get over it?

I'm desperate now. I feel like I'm about to go crazy.

10-14-2014, 12:37 PM
I've suffered from anxiety for a year now. At first I took Beta-blockers but stopped once my anxiety calmed down. I was fairly anxiety free until a couple of months ago when I got a viral infection in my throat that eventually turned into a chest infection. It's been two months now and I still have a slight cough with pleghm present. Despite several doctors trips, i still get episodes of not being able to breath properly. I constantly fear that I'm about to stop breathing or that there's something wrong with my lungs. Can anyone relate to this or shed some light on how to get over it?

I'm desperate now. I feel like I'm about to go crazy.

What did the doctor advise to do about the trouble breathing? Do you have a inhaler for a emergency?

10-14-2014, 03:03 PM
Hey Allison, other than seeing a doctor for an actual serious breathing issue. Breathing issues with Anxiety and Panic are extremely common. More so the OCD thinking of how much air you need, how many breathes you take etc, is common during your initial Anxiety stage.

I suffered from it for about 2 straight weeks, it drove me crazy. It took some time to mentally deprogram but I tried and tried to remind myself. I have been naturally breathing on my own without a thought for X amount of Years why only now am I worried about it.

Eventually it went away and I stop having the OCD thoughts about it. It takes time. Other than that check with your doctor for an actual diagnosis but if they find you to be normal, chalk it up as part of the anxiety/panic that you need to slowly work through!