View Full Version : Blllaaahh :( Does it ever end?!

10-14-2014, 05:44 AM
Didn't think i'd be posting on here again, after getting all my heart scan results etc i convinced myself that my health anxiety would be in the past and I'm moving on. 4 Days later and here i am again!

Was over the moon the other day when I got the all clear with all my ECG's etc, then the next day I found a mole on my arm with about a quarter of it a darker than the rest. Its sent my health anxiety into over drive again, obviously i've been googling as usual and i'm convinced i've got skin cancer, i don't know whether moles changed, whether its been like that all along, i don't know, I've searched through my albums trying to get a good shot of it but there isn't any good pictures. i'm currently on holiday in Dubai for my dads 50th meant to be having the time of my life yet I'm scared senseless that i've got skin cancer. I'm 22 years old, i've looked up age statistics etc of skin cancer and there are an average of 51 confirmed skin cancer cases in the whole of the United kingdom every year for ages 20-24.

51 cases in the whole of united kingdom for my age group, but as usual I'm 100% convinced i've got it. Its just never ending :( Dubai's such a gorgeous place yet I'm scared to let the sun go on the mole incase it makes it worse. I keep trying to convince myself that the statistic for 20-24 year old' who had funny moles that turned out not to be cancer will be much higher than the ones who actually did. bla :( hate myself.

10-14-2014, 03:40 PM
Didn't think i'd be posting on here again, after getting all my heart scan results etc i convinced myself that my health anxiety would be in the past and I'm moving on. 4 Days later and here i am again!

Was over the moon the other day when I got the all clear with all my ECG's etc, then the next day I found a mole on my arm with about a quarter of it a darker than the rest. Its sent my health anxiety into over drive again, obviously i've been googling as usual and i'm convinced i've got skin cancer, i don't know whether moles changed, whether its been like that all along, i don't know, I've searched through my albums trying to get a good shot of it but there isn't any good pictures. i'm currently on holiday in Dubai for my dads 50th meant to be having the time of my life yet I'm scared senseless that i've got skin cancer. I'm 22 years old, i've looked up age statistics etc of skin cancer and there are an average of 51 confirmed skin cancer cases in the whole of the United kingdom every year for ages 20-24.

51 cases in the whole of united kingdom for my age group, but as usual I'm 100% convinced i've got it. Its just never ending :( Dubai's such a gorgeous place yet I'm scared to let the sun go on the mole incase it makes it worse. I keep trying to convince myself that the statistic for 20-24 year old' who had funny moles that turned out not to be cancer will be much higher than the ones who actually did. bla :( hate myself.

I have found that my health anxiety often bounces from illness to illness. I too have an enormous mole on my foot, that I have worried about multiple times. Keep several things in mind. You are young, so it's not likely you have it. Secondly, dangerous moles are usually very odd shapes, several colors, and very large. Unless you have all of those, you are probably okay. Lastly, and I only say this for comfort (it helped me get through this particular health anxiety), skin cancer is one of the most treatable, if you ever did end up with it. In all likelihood, you would be cured. Hope this helps!


10-15-2014, 07:17 PM
If your really that concerned, cover it up while your out and about and enjoy your holiday :) When you get back go and have a skin cancer check at a screening clinic, this will help rule it out and clear things up for you :) Also, I agree with Luke, if you do have it, its extremely curable. And CURE isn't a word thrown around lightly when it comes to cancer... Trust me...