View Full Version : Psychologist

10-13-2014, 07:35 AM
Today is the day I head to the psychologist. I'm getting ready to leave shortly. I know its the first appointment and not to expect a lot but I am really hoping to feel a little better when I leave there. I'm nervous but yet hopeful. I just hope I have chosen a good one.

10-13-2014, 10:16 AM
Today is the day I head to the psychologist. I'm getting ready to leave shortly. I know its the first appointment and not to expect a lot but I am really hoping to feel a little better when I leave there. I'm nervous but yet hopeful. I just hope I have chosen a good one.

Wonderful !!

10-13-2014, 11:57 AM
I think it went well. She went over breathing with me and said she would go over relaxation next time. She is out of town next week so I don't go back till the 27th :( I just want to get better. Or at least be able to function.

10-13-2014, 12:10 PM
I think it went well. She went over breathing with me and said she would go over relaxation next time. She is out of town next week so I don't go back till the 27th :( I just want to get better. Or at least be able to function.

Glad it went well!

10-13-2014, 03:58 PM
You sounds like you are very motivated to get better. I think that's very important. In my experience, the people who overcome this best are those who believe that they can do it, and are determined to do so.

10-15-2014, 12:16 PM
You sounds like you are very motivated to get better. I think that's very important. In my experience, the people who overcome this best are those who believe that they can do it, and are determined to do so.

Yes, I am very motivated to get better. I really felt better yesterday. Almost "normal." Today I feel a little on edge, but no panic attack. I've tried to keep my mind busy today, but I just can't seem to kick this on edge, nervous feeling. I hate that feeling.

10-20-2014, 10:29 AM
Yes, I am very motivated to get better. I really felt better yesterday. Almost "normal." Today I feel a little on edge, but no panic attack. I've tried to keep my mind busy today, but I just can't seem to kick this on edge, nervous feeling. I hate that feeling.


How's it going?

10-20-2014, 02:21 PM

How's it going?

I am actually feeling better. I haven't really been having panic attacks but the anxiety and on edge feeling is still very much there. I guess I have really been avoiding my 'triggers' and I know I will have to face them at some point to get over them but for now I am happy with just feeling a little normal after such a bad stretch of panic attacks.

I have only had one therapy session. My next one is on the 27th. I am looking forward to seeing how much it will help.

10-20-2014, 02:31 PM
Awesome awesome awesome!!! Keep practicing the little techniques. It takes time and it wont heal you over night! But little by little. Congrats on this first step it gets a little easier from here!

10-20-2014, 02:42 PM
I am actually feeling better. I haven't really been having panic attacks but the anxiety and on edge feeling is still very much there. I guess I have really been avoiding my 'triggers' and I know I will have to face them at some point to get over them but for now I am happy with just feeling a little normal after such a bad stretch of panic attacks.

I have only had one therapy session. My next one is on the 27th. I am looking forward to seeing how much it will help.

Good! That is also great that you know what your triggers are. I am grateful to be feeling more normal too. Whewww

10-20-2014, 02:52 PM
Awesome awesome awesome!!! Keep practicing the little techniques. It takes time and it wont heal you over night! But little by little. Congrats on this first step it gets a little easier from here!

How are you doing with the small relapse?

10-20-2014, 02:55 PM
How are you doing with the small relapse?

Hey! Im doing ok. Its funny. I have it hanging around like an irritating fly, but it has never escalated. I would even say it peaks to pretty uncomfortable levels but for what ever reason (Think from all the CBT practice) It never stops me from what I am doing like it did before.

Even now as we speak I can say the anxiety is about a 2.... Just sitting here typing. Weird. But it doesnt bother me, nor make me want to run home.

I will say though its been weird I have been having some depressive thoughts, but they dont affect me like they did, I just smile and laugh them off. Just kinda annoying they are back.

I look at it is I am getting much better on handling these things now! So a positive rather than a negative relapse.

10-20-2014, 02:58 PM
Hey! Im doing ok. Its funny. I have it hanging around like an irritating fly, but it has never escalated. I would even say it peaks to pretty uncomfortable levels but for what ever reason (Think from all the CBT practice) It never stops me from what I am doing like it did before.

Even now as we speak I can say the anxiety is about a 2.... Just sitting here typing. Weird. But it doesnt bother me, nor make me want to run home.

I will say though its been weird I have been having some depressive thoughts, but they dont affect me like they did, I just smile and laugh them off. Just kinda annoying they are back.

I look at it is I am getting much better on handling these things now! So a positive rather than a negative relapse.

That is great. Yes, I meant relapse as a temporary thing that would work out just fine! I am at the same place as you, just kinda annoying anxiety and thoughts...but it passes quicker. : )

10-20-2014, 03:59 PM
That is great. Yes, I meant relapse as a temporary thing that would work out just fine! I am at the same place as you, just kinda annoying anxiety and thoughts...but it passes quicker. : )

That is the trick!! Get it to pass quicker and quicker and quicker!!!

OP Use this as validation that a little work with the therapist and some practice and it gets easier!