View Full Version : Curious if this could be a side affect..

10-12-2014, 05:39 PM
i was prescribed 50mg Zoloft, and I am on my 4th day. My eyesight seems a bit weird when I look at the comp/phone screens, and I'm a bit dizzy which it says can happen.

But the reason I'm actually concerned is because I feel like my lower legs feel tingly like they want to fall asleep but don't. It's starting to worry me, my health anxiety is thru the roof right now. Anyway, I've never taken Zoloft (Sertraline) so I'm just wondering if this sounds like it could be a side affect or something else. Or if anyone experienced anything similar. (Or maybe it's just my anxiety all together) ? :/


10-21-2014, 08:47 PM
Hi there! I too am on 50mg Zoloft and have experienced some tingling sensations. I don't feel like my legs are falling asleep, but I can relate to your health anxieties. The best advice someone gave me was to track all symptoms so you can ask your doc and maybe set a goal for yourself... Like if you still feel these sensations in 3 days, call your doc and ask.