View Full Version : Ativan is the only thing that helps me, questions?

10-12-2014, 05:17 AM
So after 6 months in the constant shitstorm of anxiety the only thing that ever helps is Ativan. I only take it when I really really need it but when I do I dont feel doped up or groggy I just feel like my normal old self. Anyone else feel this way? Is this way ssris might make me feel after being on them awhile? I havent started them yet. I was also thinking of taking Buspar as I heard you can get a similar effect.

10-12-2014, 05:23 AM
Oh also, are any of you on benzos on a daily basis? I feel like this would help me greatly but I fear of getting addicted or having the effects of the medication weaken over time

10-12-2014, 06:00 AM
Hi Joee, I do take benzos on a daily basis and have for 14 years. I do not like it and think of the addiction part as well but in the end it does take the daily panic attacks away. I was also on Paxil for the last 12 years and got off two years ago. The withdrawal was not so easy but i just got tired of the weight gain.

10-12-2014, 08:33 AM
We get addicted to other things too, like hazard or shopping or whatever, cheesecake, eating, purging, I think small dose of benzo daily is not as dangerous as smoking grass every time you get upset which maybe all the time. I am on benzos off and on for more than 30 years. Without them I would probably be dead already, committing suicide. I keep it very low do, never ever abuse meds and you are going to be ok.

10-12-2014, 04:57 PM
So after 6 months in the constant shitstorm of anxiety the only thing that ever helps is Ativan. I only take it when I really really need it but when I do I dont feel doped up or groggy I just feel like my normal old self. Anyone else feel this way? Is this way ssris might make me feel after being on them awhile? I havent started them yet. I was also thinking of taking Buspar as I heard you can get a similar effect.

YES! A little ativan just makes me feel normal. That is exactly how I describe it. I started Buspro so I could stop the Ativan, definitely not as effective, so I will have a very small dose as well. I find Ativan very helpful. I take Ativan about 4-5 days a week. I have been on it for close to 3 months. I would prefer not to take it, but I really like feeling back to normal from nagging discomfort and anxiousness.

My SSRI is not as powerful for anxiety.

10-12-2014, 05:07 PM
Hi Joee, I do take benzos on a daily basis and have for 14 years. I do not like it and think of the addiction part as well but in the end it does take the daily panic attacks away. I was also on Paxil for the last 12 years and got off two years ago. The withdrawal was not so easy but i just got tired of the weight gain.

John - do you think you had discontinuation syndrome after stopping paxil? I think I may have after 12 years on Lexapro - so I went back on, ofcourse I did not know if it was depression or withdrawal...

10-13-2014, 04:57 AM
Hi JustaGal, It was the withdrawal from the paxil. Even though i tapered down my dose over time it still is no picnic.

10-13-2014, 10:40 AM
Hi JustaGal, It was the withdrawal from the paxil. Even though i tapered down my dose over time it still is no picnic.

Same here, it was unbearable, I had to go back on.