View Full Version : Does my issues sound like anxiety?

10-12-2014, 12:36 AM
Now I'm not looking for a diagnosis. It would be impossible to get an accurate one over the internet. I'm asking if my problem sounds like it could be related to anxiety. I do have anxious tendencies but the pattern doesn't match this time. It's been about 4 months since I've felt normal. I have had tingling/numbness, muscle spasms, dizziness, slowed speech, and the two worst; my memory and cognition. I'm not able to think as quickly as I normally would have, and my memory is god awful. It's so bad that I'm almost positive that around an hour or so from now I won't remember writing any of this. Now, I've been to two neurologists and many other doctors. I've had an MRI, EKG, two EEGs, a heap of blood tests including lymes disease, vitamin b-12, hyperthyroidism and many more. All of the tests came back normal. I've had two doctors now tell me that all of these symptoms could be caused by anxiety. I figured that this would probably be the best place to go for questions about anxiety.
So the way I understand anxiety, there has to be something causing it. When this first started happening I was spray painting in my garage. I was very worried that the cause for my issues was overexposure to paint fumes. Well, a week later my problem was gone. I went to the doctors and they said everything looked fine and I moved on. Two weeks later my problems came back and they where worse then before. Since then the symptoms haven't let up at all. I don't feel like I'm constantly worrying about the spray paint but there defiantly is stress and anxiety. The memory is so bad though that I can't remember day by day. Things that happened yesterday (if I can remember then) seem like they have happened Weeks or months ago. They things that happened weeks or months ago, I'm likely to have forgotten. I do however remember bits and pieces of memories. Some things stick while others don't the thing is, what I do remember is timeless. What I mean by that is, I can't remember when anything happened. Even If I remember it in great detail, I wont remember when it happened. Then theres the cognition. I can't speak as fluently and as quickly as I could before. My thoughts are broken and not as clear and academically, I'm suffering. I've retaken tests that I've done in the passed and I failed them. I feel very lost and confused all the time.
Does this sound at all like anxiety or maybe stress related? I'm not looking for any other causes other then anxiety right now. I've been on yahoo answers and people always say go on symptom checker or have you're blood tested. lol trust me, I've been on symptom checker far to many times xD. I've also had every blood test possible.
I had a spinal tap to but the results for that aren't in. At this point I'm hoping for anxiety since most of the stuff they are testing for is very very bad. Not that anxiety is good either. It's just that anxiety can be treated.

Thanks for you're time.
Oh and PS: these symptoms don't really have a pattern or change. I just feel disconnected all the time.
Age: 17 sex: male

10-12-2014, 12:51 AM
You're a classic case of anxiety my friend. Searching for answers by ruling out every other idea possible before you'll believe one that sticks.

You'll come to realize your anxious tendencies as you become more intimate with the disorder. Overcoming it is a different story. You have to move past it, be careful not to get stuck in content with it mode. Always have a goal in mind and move forward.

10-12-2014, 01:01 AM
Thanks for the reply. Do you know how anxiety would be diagnosed by a doctor? Is there like a test of some sort?

10-12-2014, 01:17 AM
This is how they diagnose anxiety.

You: Doctor, I have headaches, eye twitches, vibrations as I sleep.

Doctor: ok let's take all these tests and see what's wrong.

*after tests*

Doctor: Everything is normal. It must all be in your mind.

And boom, you've got a neurological disorder. Hospitals don't have magic answers. They have some tests available, anything else you're at the mercy of the intelligence of your doctor. Doctors and nurses are taught the same things you can learn on the Internet at this point. It's no huge secret.

Understanding anxiety is how you can diagnose what you've got. You worry about unknowns, you're unsure of yourself and other aspects in your life. Direction is unclear and you wander through your phases absorbing whatever knowledge you can along the way. You often stand on the outside and look in. You're an observer, a sponge.

Take action on the things you learn, you may find comfort in the way of action.

10-12-2014, 01:59 AM
Oh, there was one more symptom I forgot to put in my original post. I'm having rapid eye movements. Some refer to it as dancing eye syndrome, opsoclonus, or jerky eye movements. I've had this all my life and never really thought about it. Recently it's gotten pretty bad. It mostly happens when I'm looking at text in a book or on the computer.
So anyways. How am I to cope with these symptoms? I've tried many different things like: writing down all the events that happened that day, ignoring it, distracting myself, convincing myself. I've been writing down all my symptoms and feelings but it doesn't help much. I figured there could only be three things wrong with me. An autoimmune deficiency, toxic encephalopathy, or anxiety. I have a feeling that my spinal tap results are going to come back normal (since everything else did). An autoimmune deficiency would make sense though. The spray paint could have triggered a flare. Toxic encephalopathy, Maybe not... That would require me to be exposed to chronic levels. That leaves anxiety.
Every time I start to feel somewhat better and accept theres nothing wrong, my mind just makes up something else. I don't think I can cope with it on my own. Should I seek out professional help?

xD sorry, I feel like I rambled on a little to much in this post.

PS and the memory is only effected for recent events. Distant or passed events I can remember with great detail.

10-12-2014, 02:16 AM

Your entire focus lies on symptoms, why and how, what it could mean. Bring your focus to constructive resolve. What can I do to not worry about this symptom. What can I do to feel better. Not why do I feel upset, annoyed, etc.

When you're not weighing your mind down with what ifs, you will feel resolve.

10-12-2014, 02:25 AM
I can't find a way to make myself feel better. :\ My issue lies with the thought of having permanent brain damage. It's hard to resolve for me because I don't know for sure if that is the problem. I have been trying to make myself feel better by eating healthier, socializing more (this helps the most), and sleeping more. It's not really helping.. If this is anxiety, will it go away on it's own with time? Is it something you can wait out?

10-12-2014, 02:36 AM
Sorry if I'm difficult to reason with. :)
I don't mean to be.

10-12-2014, 06:20 AM
Hi Halfslice, You can do some random searches on this forum and you will see that others have had very similar things/thoughts. It helps when you see that others are going through the same. ( misery loves company, lol ) It is good that you have had all the test and they have came back normal it should help reassure yourself that it is anxiety.
Anxiety can be wicked and tricky on the mind.

10-12-2014, 11:36 AM
Anxiety is a thought pattern based disorder. Your worries become doubts, doubts insecurities, then to fears. Fear stresses the mind and makes your nervous system readily sporadic. Thus the symptoms and feelings, moods. The brain needs time to relax, that's why socializing helps temporarily at least. You need to get your thought patterns back into a positive sense and stop with the constant worries. Things work themselves out.

10-12-2014, 02:43 PM
Anxiety is literally facing fear itself everyday. Quite the malevolent little trickster it is. Anxiety may or may not go away on it's own - it really depends on you, as well as the severity, what triggers it and how often triggers occur (Like if you were deathly afraid of food, you wouldn't have an easy time getting rid of it by letting it go on its own). I cured my anxiety by just strengthening my mind through natural means: Herbs and tonics, eating healthy, exercise regular, meditating (very important), and just communicating with other people on the forum here. I used to find that helping other people on here sort of made my own anxiety go away, so I'd sit on here when I was anxious and just skim through general discussion and add my own 2-cents to topics.

The thing to focus on is that anxiety is able to be controlled - it just takes time. You're fight or flight mechanism is just fried atm, and you're reparing it :]

10-12-2014, 05:11 PM
Anxiety is a thought pattern based disorder. Your worries become doubts, doubts insecurities, then to fears. Fear stresses the mind and makes your nervous system readily sporadic. Thus the symptoms and feelings, moods. The brain needs time to relax, that's why socializing helps temporarily at least. You need to get your thought patterns back into a positive sense and stop with the constant worries. Things work themselves out.

great description. I resonate with that

10-13-2014, 08:19 PM
My spinal tap results came back today and everything was normal. It's starting to look more and more like anxiety but I don't know for certain if it is. Could someone be going through a anxiety attack and not even know it? I think it could be anxiety but it doesn't feel the same as the attacks I've had before.