View Full Version : What would you think?

10-11-2014, 12:19 PM
Not directly linked to anxiety but has made me feel a little bit funny. Me and my boyfriend broke up yesterday, we've been together a LONG time and we've been having problems for ages, we're not sure if it's a definite split or just a little break to see what we both want.

I told three close friends and there reactions were mainly lovely, one had plenty of advice and kind words, has spent the day with me today to cheer me up and keeps texting to see how i'm feeling, the other offered for me to stay at hers for as long as I need because me and my boyfriend live together. However I asked what the third one was up to tonight and she said she was going to a party, when I told her we had gone on a break and I felt really shit, she just said 'oh no thats horrible' she didn't call, didn't offer to come and see me, even though I said I didn't wanna be alone, and didn't say come along to the party, which was being held by a mutual friend, she didn't even really say much. I feel a bit disappointed because out of the three she's the one i've always been closest to and if it was the other way round I would have dropped everything to go and make sure she was ok. Am I right to feel a bit let down by this girl or am I just being a bit sensitive because I obviously feel shit about the break up?

10-11-2014, 02:53 PM
Perhaps she is just taking care of herself currently. Some people become Co-Dependants to others and Do so much for others that they loose a sense of empathy after burn out. Maybe she's tired of whatever is going on in her own life, and on her own plate???

10-11-2014, 02:56 PM
What do you think will happen next for yourself? Are you a college student? Are you ok ?