View Full Version : Drained

10-10-2014, 04:11 PM
Iv been feeling extremely tired and drained lately from my new job. Iv been so busy IV not had time for a panic attack or to feel overly anxious that it affects my work but but but!!! I feel like I'm running on empty to just try an block it out. Iv had three days off and Iv had two anxiety attacks. I have to keep napping in the day coz I'm shattered from it all I can't seem to find middle ground with it all. Does anyone else feel this way or can relate to it?

10-11-2014, 06:39 AM
When i keep my mind occupied or have a big task at hand my brain usually does not have time for panic attacks or anxiety, usually. Yes i can relate.

10-11-2014, 12:25 PM
When i keep my mind occupied or have a big task at hand my brain usually does not have time for panic attacks or anxiety, usually. Yes i can relate.

How do I do that without running myself into the ground

10-11-2014, 02:45 PM
Are you working the overnight schedule, and is it a new work time that takes some getting used to? I know that can be very tiring. I did that for a year. But morale was low so I quit. Then I found God in swimming laps at my local JC and boy did I ever regain my Energy and lose my mule. I lost 70 Lbs from leaving behind a job with loads of baggage, and a shitty sleep-wake schedule for me. I felt so much better leaving a job that I didn't feel happy doing because of personal problems from ALL directions. W/o support it was ROUGH, for me???

I wish you the best of Luck in your job. It sounds like a Downer too???

10-11-2014, 03:03 PM
Are you working the overnight schedule, and is it a new work time that takes some getting used to? I know that can be very tiring. I did that for a year. But morale was low so I quit. Then I found God in swimming laps at my local JC and boy did I ever regain my Energy and lose my mule. I lost 70 Lbs from leaving behind a job with loads of baggage, and a shitty sleep-wake schedule for me. I felt so much better leaving a job that I didn't feel happy doing because of personal problems from ALL directions. W/o support it was ROUGH, for me??? I wish you the best of Luck in your job. It sounds like a Downer too???

Ye the hours are so different to before. Iv gone from doing 10am-6pm to 11am-4pm then 6pm-1am sometimes as a waitress. And I can't go home invetween as its too far to travel. It's so hard for me :(. So my anxiety has been 0 but my whole body is ruined from all the work. It's not making me very happy as I don't have much of a life. When I get in from work I need about 1/2 hours to unwind from being on a buzz so going to bed at 1-2am is hard on me

10-11-2014, 04:34 PM
Have you seriousLy thought of Looking for other jobs while keeping that 1, temporarily @ Least??? What are your strengths, not just these feelings of weakness this terrible job is reeking upon you? Did you earn your HS diploma already? Because, if so there should be a slew of jobs w/ a variety of other shifts available. It also it sounds like you are having to travel really far to get to this unrewarding job.

10-11-2014, 04:43 PM
Waitressing is very stressful too - well, any customer service related job is I should say. Maybe try something a little more independent. When I was dealing with anxiety full force, I left my super stressful customer service call center job, and did work as a morning janitor. It was actually really relaxing, I got paid well, and all I did was listen to music on my phone while cleaning the glass, emptying trashbins. Fast paced music was especially fun - the buildings manager came in one time and saw me melbourne shuffling all about while cleaning haha - it was so much fun (As well as a great workout) and took my mind off any anxiety I had - also made sure I was energized for the rest of the day.

10-11-2014, 07:59 PM
It is tough finding the "perfect" job with the hours that are better. I left a high pressure all commission based outside sales job for a stay in a building half the day behind the desk job and even though the sales job was fast paced job with lots of anxiety and stress, i miss it. The desk job is a service based retail type job and i am in the same building 9 hours every day. The sales job if i worked hard and had good sales i could do stuff like take a half day and go fishing or stop at different yard sales on my sales route etc. I can't say i really like either job to be honest but at this point in my life money talks. I guess what i am trying to say is never stop looking for the job that makes you happy and pays the bills. For me right now well...... i guess i don't get my cake and eat it too.