View Full Version : Ringing in the ears from Anxiety

Aaron Groover
10-10-2014, 01:05 PM
Does anyone else get some sort of Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) from anxiety? Or has anyone been diagnosed with Tinnitus?

10-10-2014, 01:12 PM
Yes. Very common with anxiety. Anxiety makes your blood pressure spike, and with that comes possible tinnitus.

Nothing to worry about.
Take care

10-10-2014, 02:17 PM


10-10-2014, 03:21 PM
I know Tinnitus well!

Whilst one can say that tinnitus is triggered from anxiety - I have found a LOT of information relating to Tinnitus being more so triggered from "medications" and then Defendant on Meds!

Yes, that's right! Medications often bring tinnitus on for many people. whilst many claim that medication will help your tinnitus, they can actually make it worse. I say this more so, due to the dependency these meds are so well at creating in our brains/nervous systems.

I never had ringing in the ears until I started my first ever dose of Antidepressants. (Actually a couple weeks into that prescription) I can't recall which ones they were as I have had many different medications.

Tinnitus is not easy to deal with at first and can actually be quite tormenting - People have be known to kill themselves over it. I did a LOT of research to find out what I know - was all I could do to stop myself from going crazy.

I learned a fair bit and it helped. There are even forums about the topic - information/support and all that.


Everyone gets some for of it! Even those that have never been exposed to loud noise. Tinnitus is related to our Nervous System. Age will bring it on eventually in some form or other. Mostly though - long term exposure to loud noise wheres the system down. Sudden loud sounds for sure!!!! - So many variables to consider and in that regard - Medication does not CAUSE it like so - but brings it on ...

Any meds that alter our brain and or nervous system is bound to have such an effect. I think you have to be careful running to medications thinking its going to FIX the problem. Such a resolution is and should only be recommended for extreme suffers as the dependency issue regarding meds often makes out problems much worse than when we first began. This many people Deny and SELL - as is the case with anything considered a quick fix or easy way out.

I am making good gains at the moment having cut back on my meds knowing full well the traps related to such reliance and over use.

With regard to ANXIETY and your ears ringing - Think of it as a gauge to your health and well being! So the conditions goes from being a trigger like so many others that merely act as a self perpetuating problem - Like my constant negative outlook that inquisitors write off as paranoia. Finding the line is key!!!

Whilst seemingly healthy individuals claim not to have any ringing in their ears - it's there! - It's just that their well being prevents them from hearing it. Again - everyone will suffer at some time in their life with the condition. Unless a healthy individual dies whilst still beaming with positivity. LOL srry - could not help that one. Any individual on the verge of killing themselves, would more than likely have ringing in tier ears - I'd put money on that. But even in that case - factors such as not knowing about it, could lead the condition go unchecked until one day ... the crickets just appear. There is a lot to be said for being aware - or conscious of it. Mindful/focusing ... la la la can actually make it a LOT worse.

Righto - I have screwed up my text now and am definitely off with the pixies.


There are no one or two liners that can adequately explain the "ringing in the ears syndrome" ... I just wanted to share what I know ... Just beware of how medications can trigger - makes us dependent and thus "exasperate" - the problem ... Meds can help - but be very careful about the ones you choose and also check the ones your on --- with a search on them and tinnitus - Not saying stop the medication if you feel you need them - Just be aware and also be careful not to focus too much from finding out more information as what many cry about then "Oh but now it's worse because I know how it all works --- sniff sniff"

I think people are better off knowing how it all works!!!! - But you know - the pharmers/doctors really don't want you to know how it all works, nor anyone make a $$$ from this cesspool of a sick society. LOL - Is what it is.


Your mania is raising its head again!

Let me guess - Time for a pill - No Thanks! ... I'll just let the phone ring!

I guarantee you this - Anyone suffering the ringing in the ears! - It does get better. You will learn to live with it. If you run from it by choosing whatever method ... it will eventually make it worse! ... Accept the ringing and use it to gauge your wellbeing. Do this, and it will be much easier to live with.

Oh Yea - Avoid Head Phones when Playing World of Tanks - BOOM!!!!! Sets mine off, but the game sounds so good I just can't help it!!!

And I think I have a new motto now - Just let the Phone RING! - Answering it will only let the devil in.

Blessings to all ... hehe.

10-10-2014, 04:50 PM
I suffer from this as well. I tried calling a Tinnitus helpline once...

But it just kept ringing!

10-10-2014, 06:36 PM

10-10-2014, 07:28 PM
well is going to get worse , believe me:) Jessed maybe you did not call long enough:)))))))))))))

10-10-2014, 08:03 PM
LOL Dahila - very inspirational. lmfao.

10-10-2014, 09:29 PM
What ? should I lie? It is degeneration of the hearing nerve and it does not get better. I do not believe the anxiety is causing it, but medication and AD yes. Eventually everyone gets used it. One stops to notice...People as young as in their twenties get it. I kind of believe listening to loud the music does damage the very sensitive instrument; our hearing.

10-11-2014, 06:27 AM
I love you guy's..... always seem to make me laugh. Somebody get the damn phone!

10-11-2014, 07:09 AM
Have it still from my period of panic attacks. I got used to it, don't pay attention to it, so it's no problem totally

10-11-2014, 07:31 AM
Try repeat it is the way people should react to it, you can not change it, accept it and go on with your life:)

10-11-2014, 02:16 PM
Yeh ermm
i had a fear about doorbell ringing and unwanted visitor being there
i then went through about a week of my ears ringing with the door bell sound
was horrible
this was a good few months ago
god i hate this whole anxiety thing