View Full Version : Is There Ever an End to the Madness?!?!

10-09-2014, 10:52 AM
Hi all,

First of all, I want to commend all of you for sharing your shortcomings, tough times, and weaknesses as it pertains to anxiety and fear; it takes courage to do that and it could possibly offer a ray of hope for someone dealing with the same thing. I am a brand new member; however, I visit the site regularly to view posts and possibly learn some new coping techniques that I might be able to use. I apologize for using the site for my own benefit, while not signing up earlier to offer some of my own words of wisdom. My problem is that when I start to feel a little better, I tend to avoid anything that even mentions anxiety or stress......out of site out of mind.

I have been struggling with anxiety for over 30 years and still fight the battle today; as a matter of fact, the older I get, the worse the attacks and symptoms seem to be. I think it's because I am always figuring out how to keep myself bound by this thing. I used to believe that there was a "safe" place and all would be well, but as I get older, I realize there really is no safe place. I have read every decent book or publication that deals with this disorder; I have also seen numerous counselors, as well as tried most of the meds. I went almost 3 years without any anxiety, and then BANG, it has hit me hard again. I went through a terrible ordeal with anxiety back in January, which lasted until almost May. I had a pretty good summer and it's back already.

They always say that the definition on insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I used to just try to resist this thing and wait for it to pass, but it seemed like it consumed so much of my life. I figured I would try a new method this time; I am back in counseling.............I continue to try and not fight this anxiety this time; I keep telling myself it is only anxiety, it won't hurt you........you will come out the other side. I am trying to tell myself that the anxiety disorder is what I have............try to manage it, not fight it. It seems so hard to do..........My negative thoughts keep telling me that I'll never figure out a way to manage it......you've been controlled by this thing for far too long; it owns you. We are all very aware of what negative thinking and obsessive thoughts do...........why can't we break the cycle? We all know what could help us feel better; whey isn't it easier to do? Doesn't the power to feel better lie within us? What are we so afraid of? Why can't we see these thoughts for what they are? I'm asking all of you these questions because I don't have the answers either..........sometimes I just want the insanity to end.

Thank you all for your support............God Bless you all!!

10-09-2014, 12:31 PM
Yep, when I sleep at night, then Nothing bothers my head. Pure REST is Heaven to me.....