View Full Version : heart disease

10-08-2014, 01:48 PM
I know I have probably posted this before but my chest aches my neck aches my arm aches im am 100% convinced something is wrong with my heart!!! My 30th birthday is in 3 days and I don't know if im having anxiety about it and don't know or what! Im going crazy!!! I want to go to the doc just to say check my heart even though I had blood work less than a month ago and an egk about 6 or 7 months ago!! I thought I was getting better and now I feel like im slowly getting all my old symptoms back! Whhhhhhy!!!!! Oh and im soooooooooo tired all the time like extreme

10-08-2014, 11:19 PM
I know how you're feeling! I'm 28 and I swear I notice every single ache, pain, tingle, etc. right now Ive had achiness in my legs and I'm convinced it's some bone disease or cancer.

Health anxiety is hell! And also, even though I'm in sunny Texas, my anxiety and fear always goes off the charts when fall and winter hit. So You might be struggling more now because of the changing seasons!

I hope you feel better and get some peace soon:)

10-09-2014, 04:31 PM
I know how you're feeling! I'm 28 and I swear I notice every single ache, pain, tingle, etc. right now Ive had achiness in my legs and I'm convinced it's some bone disease or cancer.

Health anxiety is hell! And also, even though I'm in sunny Texas, my anxiety and fear always goes off the charts when fall and winter hit. So You might be struggling more now because of the changing seasons!

I hope you feel better and get some peace soon:)

Thank you:) it really always helps when you hear people going through the same type of things:) I got blood work done about a month ago and was told that I had mono out of all things. I don't know where I got it ( I do work at a high school) and they said that's probably why im so tired so I Googled it (BAD) and of course the same thing in mono can also be in hiv , cancer , and some other diseases so now all over again im diagnosing myself with cancer and heart disease and the list goes on!!

10-09-2014, 06:07 PM
Oh I know...Google is the worst.im doing my best not to google my thigh pain, weird chills, etc...although I'm so tempted. I know I'll just get more worried!

It does help when people share similar experiences. I finally went to see my dr today to start on some medication and I'm hoping to see a therapist soon.anxiety is just draining joy from my life..I can't let it anymore!

10-09-2014, 06:10 PM
I have been misdiagnosing myself for 30 plus years and i didn't even have google back then :) Health anxiety sucks!

10-17-2014, 02:02 PM
I hate hate hate health anxiety!!! Or any anxiety for that matter I need to stay off google! I'm just sick of being tired and chest hurting. I'm still convinced I have heart disease. I'm going to the doc to see what's going on with how tired I am. I don't ever remember being this tired I mean I can barley hold my eyes open there so heavy and then i just feel so weak! Blah😠😠