View Full Version : Do any of you experience muscle twitching?

Tyler Patterson
10-07-2014, 10:24 PM
I started to notice over the past two months that when my anxiety is high i get little sporadic muscle twitches. Ironically it lead to my first encounter with my first recognizable case of hypochondria? Just trying to figure out if this is a common thing or not.

10-07-2014, 11:03 PM
I started to notice over the past two months that when my anxiety is high i get little sporadic muscle twitches. Ironically it lead to my first encounter with my first recognizable case of hypochondria? Just trying to figure out if this is a common thing or not.

Hi Tyler, muscle twitching seems to be a common physical symptom of anxiety. It really is amazing just how much anxiety can affect our bodies in turn spiking the "hypochondriac"
reactions. It turns into a vicious cycle...and to answer your question, I get the muscle twitching under stress and times of high anxiety....as with any physical symptom it should be diagnosed through a
medical professional.

10-08-2014, 05:20 AM
Yes, I get them too but don't pay much attention to them.
All common in anxiety sufferers friend.
Don't worry about it.

E-Man :)

10-08-2014, 10:41 AM
I started to notice over the past two months that when my anxiety is high i get little sporadic muscle twitches. Ironically it lead to my first encounter with my first recognizable case of hypochondria? Just trying to figure out if this is a common thing or not.

The muscle spasms and twitching initiated my first bout with health anxiety as well. Just try your best to relax, mine definitely decrease when my anxiety is at a low level.

10-08-2014, 10:50 AM
im getting the muscle twitches aswell. I thought i had ALS... went to about 6 doctors and still think i have ALS... im only 18. Plus do you guys find it gets hard to breathe and have like a lump in your throat and neck pains?

10-08-2014, 10:57 AM
I started to notice over the past two months that when my anxiety is high i get little sporadic muscle twitches. Ironically it lead to my first encounter with my first recognizable case of hypochondria? Just trying to figure out if this is a common thing or not.

It seems like a normal condition of anxiety to have muscle contractions. I know that I get my own type sometimes during the evenings as I'm drifting off to sleep. I will have a type of facial wince that lasts a second. It will usually wake me up for a few minutes. It can probably manifest itself in different ways with different people, and is more of a symptom of anxiety than a real bodily problem. For me what helps is deep breathing. Good luck!

10-08-2014, 03:27 PM
ALL THE DAMN TIME! LOL i feel like someone shocked me. Another poster made a comment that makes sense that panic and anxiety leads to a shot of adrenaline, so as we become anxious it could be just a juice of extra adrenaline running through our body.

I like to think of me being a super hero (Wanted - the movie) I tell my self that I am a special breed with special powers! And this is just parts of my special powers! Seriously.... I know I am a little nuts but it helps!