View Full Version : Omg unbearable verging on a full blown panic attack

10-07-2014, 09:25 PM
I apologize in advance if this comes across as whiney, I am just feeling so fearful and anxious tonight. It doesn't help that my husband and I haven't spoken much today (due to a small fight over my anxiety) I am absolutely terrified tonight. I've been experiencing tenderness and pain to the touch on my right upper thigh for a few days. I don't know why but it has me completely terrified that it is some rare bone cancer or something. Catastrophic thinking is all I do right now. My anxiety is always bad during fall but this is just too much! :/

I'm completely convinced that if I go to the dr something horrible will be wrong. The worst thing of all is that my husband does not understand ...I feel that I have little to no support and I just feel like collapsing in tears tonight.

The fear is unbearable and I just wish I had some medicine to keep it at bay right now :, (

How do y'all cope when fear is overwhelming you??

10-07-2014, 09:29 PM
Sorry lots of typos ...dumb phone. I just needed to get it out. I need peace desperately. I can't even enjoy my family, our baby girl, I can't focus in school. I feel like I'm falling apart.

10-07-2014, 11:31 PM
You get very comfortable with the fear in time. I know that's a rather perverse thing to say, but it truly says something for the strength you're about to develop. You'll become accustom to living through the worse type of fear it's possible to live though. The ultimate.

As for me now, I refuse to ever have panic attacks. I just say no. You can have a lot of things when your body is full of adrenaline, but you can't have a panic attack if you don't panic. You can only have a body full of adrenaline, and while that's scary, it's a lot easier to deal with than PANIC.

Are you new to the attacks? No matter how bad they are, they teach you some valuable lessons which will help you later down the line. I think everyone needs to live through a couple of really brutal ones. That way, in future they can just say, "I lived through that hell, I can find a way through again."

10-08-2014, 05:25 AM
Catastrophic thinking is all I do right now. How do y'all cope when fear is overwhelming you??

If I can't control the thoughts, I take matters into my own hands and go see a doctor.


10-08-2014, 03:29 PM
If I can't control the thoughts, I take matters into my own hands and go see a doctor.


If my CBT and my distractions didnt help, I went to the doctor..... I agree. Im not going to lie, when it got really bad they put me on meds and I am still on it 8 months later. I feel 100x better too.

So continue your CBT training if not, dont be afraid to go to the doctor, the are there to help not hurt!

10-08-2014, 09:55 PM
If my CBT and my distractions didnt help, I went to the doctor..... I agree. Im not going to lie, when it got really bad they put me on meds and I am still on it 8 months later. I feel 100x better too.

So continue your CBT training if not, dont be afraid to go to the doctor, the are there to help not hurt!

Thanks! Yeah I've never been to a therapist so I don't know any CBT techniques.i am going to try to see my dr tomorrow, Because this is becoming unbearable I'm constantly thinking about death..my husband doesn't understand and it's causing us to fight.i just need some peace.im also going to look into a therapist. I have to be better for my husband and daughter..

10-08-2014, 10:00 PM
I'm fortunate to not get horrible panic attacks...it's more like overwhelming, catastrophic thinking. . Intrusive what if thoughts. It gets me extremely upset...sick to my stomach, sleepless etc. they can send me into a minor panic. But last night was too much.

I can't stop thinking I have a rare terminal illness and it scares me so much...I am hypersensitive to any story I hear or see. I don't think I can get use to the thoughts. They make me feel depressed and unwell.

10-08-2014, 10:31 PM
Ok No problem..... CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Training)

Basically this is problem solving and decatastrophizing


here is a website with little works sheets. The point is to write down what you are feeling then the possible good and bad outcomes and measure what truly happens.

In your mind when a panic and anxiety kicks in.... 99% of the time the mind goes into worst case scenario. But when we reflect back..... it never reached that point. We just felt like it did.

So you use these thoughts to challenge your mind. Example, panic sets in and you say I am having a heart attack I am going to die. But really its just a panic and you are healthy as an Ox and you are not having a heart attack. Your mind is going crazy but really its just your mind. When you break it down you relax and then the panic dissipates.

You will learn more with the therapist on Monday so get excited cause you are going to the candy store to get some goodies to help you! (no Pun Intended with meds) If you can do it with out meds even better.

The next one is the physical tools. I like to use sleeping like a baby as an aiming point on what to reach when you are having a panic attack. Focus on what a sleeping baby looks like, relaxed.... deep long comfortable breaths. When a panic comes on, you are the exact opposite so you focus on slowing down your breaths..... get it to the point on like how you are sleeping and snoring deeply like a baby. Then relax the body, make it limp without any tension. It will be hard but FOCUS on the baby.

Slowly but surely you will notice the panic dissipate. Practicing this technique when an attack comes on and you will notice the attacks will go away little by little faster and faster. It may take an 1hour it may take 30 seconds.... but practice and mentally take notes on how quickly you can control them.

Again work with your therapist, but challenge yourself almost to the point of having fun with it like I can do this! VS being totally afraid of it!


Try This also this.

There is a lot of exercise that you can do but you need to first accept and understand your situation.

For your panic attacks itself, you need to manage it first. Panic attacks are extremely "uncomfortable" but it cant hurt you! It hasnt hurt you up to this point, it has made you feel uncomfortable but it temporary. So first and foremost, you need to challenge it in your mind, is there a significant danger at that moment that is causing your panic attack 99% there isnt, you have to mentally grasp that!

Secondly, Breath, breath slowly and deeply, nice long deep breaths!

Third, Its temporary it will pass..... believe it!

Now on to your anxieties, This is a work in progress and something that will not happen over night. You need to write down your anxieties and rationalize them. You need to put them into perspective. With our anxieties we tend to blow them out of proportion and think the worst thoughts. Writing them down with rational thoughts makes it easy to address when they pop into our heads!

Ill stop here for now and continue when you give us a heads up on whats going on =)

Hang in there!