View Full Version : Help with feeling on edge and anxious
10-07-2014, 01:27 PM
Hi, just joined here I am 25 and a bit of basic background information is last year I had a period from end of May to the end of June dealing with anxiety and panic attacks in my sleep for the first time in my life. All stemmed from worrying about a lump I found on me which turned out to be nothing serious but caused me to feel fuzzy head and panic attacks which would wake me up.
I got over it all with help of beta blockers to slow my heart and paying for counselling which really helped and realising it was just anxiety causing it all. However I feel that experience has made me more prone to noticing any little feelings of stress or anxiety. I work 4 days on 4 days off and 4 nights on 4 nights off 12 hour shifts I have done that for 6 year in the same job which I can't stand anymore and struggle to sleep between shifts and on my days off I feel on edge about going back to work. Since yesterday I have had a tension behind my eyebrows and a fast heart rate and just generally feel a bit on edge which isn't as bad as last year but shouldn't have to carry on feeling like this. I am close to leaving my job in the next month or two to join the Air Force so just tying to keep it together long enough till I can leave.
A few times this year I have not been able to face going in work and ended up shaking in the car and having tension in my head, but with the relaxation techniques I learned last summer I felt fine within a day or two and when I get back to work it keeps my mind occupied and been around people at work helps.
But the last 48 hours I have been feeling on edge with head tension and not sleeping great and restless through the night, I am due at work Friday night, the thought if going back is the main problem as when I'm actually there I feel fairly calm. Any tips to help with a bit of head tension would be great as that's what causes me the most concern and I try to deal with this all myself
Thanks :)
10-07-2014, 04:18 PM
Carl, very troubling to read that your anticipation and dread of going into work are causing this amount of anxiety. I think that despite the trouble you've had in the previous two days, you have the tools to deal with this because you are aware that there are relaxation techniques that can bring down the anxiety to a manageable level. One thing to remember about anxiety disorders is that they always tells you something needs attending to, when in reality, attending to them only stiffens the resolve of the anxiety. My recommendation would be to go back to square one with the relaxation techniques between now and after you go back to your next four day shift. If those worked for you previously, there's every reason to believe you can have success again with relaxation. My personal experience with anticipatory anxiety is nowadays associated with flying. Once I'm on the plane and it's ready to go, I'm pretty good, but leading up to that moment I get anxious. One thing that really helps is to take very deep, deliberate breaths, imagining them going into your diaphragm. You can exhale deeply also. Resist the urge to rush the air out and take your time with it. Take a look on youtube. It is a wealth of information on relaxation...As for the sensations, the very fact hat you're here, Carl says to me that you sense they are related to your anxiety. Depending on the person and the situation, panic and feelings of anxiety can take up occupancy in different parts of the body. I have had them in my chest, arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, stomach. Try going back to square one with the relaxation techniques you've used. Best wishes!
10-07-2014, 04:30 PM
Carl... This is something that I have personally worked on and will take time. Anxiety and Panic creates "hypersensitivity" A real pain in the butt. If you notice many post on here many people notice this twitch or this pain or that sensation etc etc. It just builds and builds and its hard to get rid of. Its funny if you try to remember when you were a kid you never thought about the bumbs and bruises. On the jungle gym you just keps playing.
So this is the thing. You need to slowly work it out of your mind. Its good to be aware of your body and all the quirks, but remember before you didnt notice any of it and i am 99% sure they were there before but you were never focused on it.
So, when these OCD focused thoughts come on, automatically you need to distract yourself so you forget about it. The more you think about it, the more it will build kinda like when someone says dont look down.... what do people do? Look down. Or a kid when they are told not to touch that..... they automatically want to touch it. So instead of trying to tell yourself to ignore it. Distract yourself with something. Writing, listen to music, grab your phone and play a game. Watch a funny youtube movie!
Good luck and its normal.... but take it step at a time, dont try to fix it all at once!
10-07-2014, 04:40 PM
Carl, I agree with Leathercouch that you have it within yourself to fight the anxiety as relaxation techniques, in my opinion, are one of the most effective ways to fight anxiety. It sounds iike most of your anxiety is coming from your work situation. You have a very strenuous, erratic schedule. I would focus on the fact that you don't have to work there forever and at any time you could find a different job that allows for an easier schedule and more time off.
10-07-2014, 05:01 PM
Carl, I agree with Leathercouch that you have it within yourself to fight the anxiety as relaxation techniques, in my opinion, are one of the most effective ways to fight anxiety. It sounds iike most of your anxiety is coming from your work situation. You have a very strenuous, erratic schedule. I would focus on the fact that you don't have to work there forever and at any time you could find a different job that allows for an easier schedule and more time off.
Thanks for the replies really mean a lot and really helps knowing there are people to talk to. Some good tips too and I agree on the point that we definitely focus more on every sensation now I am aware of what anxiety can do. Pre May 2013 I never had a clue what anxiety could and was such a chilled out person.
Glad it is nowhere near as bad as last year, that took 2 months of here anxiety before my body couldn't take anymore and I felt detatched and really fuzzy and a lot of head pressure so if I overcame that I can get by this. 99% of it is down to my job and the long hours and lack of a routine and sleep pattern but I have been massaging my temples and scalp and taking slow deep breathes and I feel slightly better now before bed.
Thanks again :)
10-07-2014, 08:36 PM
Went to bed at midnight not feeling too bad yet woke up at half midnight with a tight chest and fast heart and got back to sleep at 2am and now woke up at 2.30am in a mini panic. Worst I have been since last summer, I have had a few occasions of anxiety this year but only when I have skipped work and it has gone when I returned to work usually the day or 2 after, never had it like this even on my days off:(
I live with parents and don't want to mention it to them yet as they will just think I'm putting it on or exaggerating to get out of work. Propanolol a beta blocker seemed to work ok last year for me and debating it again to slower heart rate and think it stops adrenaline or at least some of it?
10-07-2014, 08:39 PM
Ok No problem..... CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Training)
Basically this is problem solving and decatastrophizing
here is a website with little works sheets. The point is to write down what you are feeling then the possible good and bad outcomes and measure what truly happens.
In your mind when a panic and anxiety kicks in.... 99% of the time the mind goes into worst case scenario. But when we reflect back..... it never reached that point. We just felt like it did.
So you use these thoughts to challenge your mind. Example, panic sets in and you say I am having a heart attack I am going to die. But really its just a panic and you are healthy as an Ox and you are not having a heart attack. Your mind is going crazy but really its just your mind. When you break it down you relax and then the panic dissipates.
You will learn more with the therapist on Monday so get excited cause you are going to the candy store to get some goodies to help you! (no Pun Intended with meds) If you can do it with out meds even better.
The next one is the physical tools. I like to use sleeping like a baby as an aiming point on what to reach when you are having a panic attack. Focus on what a sleeping baby looks like, relaxed.... deep long comfortable breaths. When a panic comes on, you are the exact opposite so you focus on slowing down your breaths..... get it to the point on like how you are sleeping and snoring deeply like a baby. Then relax the body, make it limp without any tension. It will be hard but FOCUS on the baby.
Slowly but surely you will notice the panic dissipate. Practicing this technique when an attack comes on and you will notice the attacks will go away little by little faster and faster. It may take an 1hour it may take 30 seconds.... but practice and mentally take notes on how quickly you can control them.
Again work with your therapist, but challenge yourself almost to the point of having fun with it like I can do this! VS being totally afraid of it!
Here is something I posted in another thread.... specifically try the baby thing when it starts kicking up to try and get your breathing in check and your heart rate down
10-07-2014, 08:44 PM
I will try that thanks for the quick reply. Nothing worse than lying here alone and awake. Like I say hopefully when Friday night comes and it's time for work and once I get in and relax into it and talk to mates there I will feel better it's the actual thought of it which is worse as I don't often sleep well between my 12hour nightshifts so that's always a worry before I start my set of nights too
10-08-2014, 03:08 PM
I will try that thanks for the quick reply. Nothing worse than lying here alone and awake. Like I say hopefully when Friday night comes and it's time for work and once I get in and relax into it and talk to mates there I will feel better it's the actual thought of it which is worse as I don't often sleep well between my 12hour nightshifts so that's always a worry before I start my set of nights too
Sleeping is a tough one too, I like to use guided imagery a lot when I cant sleep. I get my phone, headphones and pop in a youtube video. Lately though I have been just listening to stand up comics, It helps me focus on them and for what ever reason I fall asleep withing maybe 10-20 minutes. Its funny when its night time but you are distracted it works well. Let me know if you want me to link some videos for you?
10-08-2014, 03:25 PM
Sleeping is a tough one too, I like to use guided imagery a lot when I cant sleep. I get my phone, headphones and pop in a youtube video. Lately though I have been just listening to stand up comics, It helps me focus on them and for what ever reason I fall asleep withing maybe 10-20 minutes. Its funny when its night time but you are distracted it works well. Let me know if you want me to link some videos for you?
Thanks, I listen to chill out music and do some meditation on YouTube before bed too but find I wake every half hour or so until it gets to about 6am when I am that tired I sleep till around 9 or 10. Managing ok during the day just have a slight head tension which just makes it hard to relax and sleep. More annoyed that it's just my job and the thought of more 12 hour nightshifts this weekend that has caused it
10-08-2014, 04:15 PM
I stopped listening to music and went straight for something that my mind can engage in. So again Stand up comedy or guided imagery. Try those if you want. chill music doesnt do it for me anymore and its because its just soothing sounds but does not engage and guide my wild thoughts. Just my $0.02
As for thoughts about your job, what I did was I had to deprogram myself. I was just like you I dread leaving the house or even thinking about 8 hours behind a desk. What I did was ever time I thought of a negativity, I thought of a positive about my job. Its funny if you really really think, there are just as many goods to bads so not to be so hard on yourself!
10-08-2014, 04:46 PM
I stopped listening to music and went straight for something that my mind can engage in. So again Stand up comedy or guided imagery. Try those if you want. chill music doesnt do it for me anymore and its because its just soothing sounds but does not engage and guide my wild thoughts. Just my $0.02
As for thoughts about your job, what I did was I had to deprogram myself. I was just like you I dread leaving the house or even thinking about 8 hours behind a desk. What I did was ever time I thought of a negativity, I thought of a positive about my job. Its funny if you really really think, there are just as many goods to bads so not to be so hard on yourself!
Thanks for help really appreciate it, it's just the 12 hour nightshifts that I struggle with and make me anxious and I'm due in 4 nights from Friday. Had a relaxing day and just off to bed now 11pm in the uk so hopefully get a decent sleep :)
10-08-2014, 06:23 PM
Thanks for help really appreciate it, it's just the 12 hour nightshifts that I struggle with and make me anxious and I'm due in 4 nights from Friday. Had a relaxing day and just off to bed now 11pm in the uk so hopefully get a decent sleep :)
Did some meditation and didn't feel too bad before I went to sleep other than a few muscle spasms in my stomach, was asleep for half hour and woke up literally 2 minutes ago by a panic attack, felt really nauseaous and that acidic feeling in my mouth the only good thing is I wasn't shaking
Now just lay in bed on my iPhone trying to calm down and relax enough to go back to sleep:(
Actually considering going to the doctors tomorrow for bets blockers to help slow my heart rate
10-08-2014, 06:37 PM
Actually considering going to the doctors tomorrow for bets blockers to help slow my heart rate
Beta blockers are awesome!
Try some melatonin too, that may help put you to sleep for awhile.
Best wishes Carl.
E-Man :)
10-08-2014, 06:44 PM
Beta blockers are awesome!
Try some melatonin too, that may help put you to sleep for awhile.
Best wishes Carl.
E-Man :)
Thanks :) yeah I had propanolol last year and really slowed my heart rate down and that helped me to feel more calm, think I will go to the doctor tomorrow. Was so scary there nothing worse than been woke up in a panic and my stomach felt all over the place, just trying to accept it and wait till I feel tired again to go back to sleep. All it has took is the thought of nightshifts to get me on edge all week which has kind of snowballed into been woken by panic shortly after I go to sleep :(
10-09-2014, 03:37 AM
Thanks :) yeah I had propanolol last year and really slowed my heart rate down and that helped me to feel more calm, think I will go to the doctor tomorrow. Was so scary there nothing worse than been woke up in a panic and my stomach felt all over the place, just trying to accept it and wait till I feel tired again to go back to sleep. All it has took is the thought of nightshifts to get me on edge all week which has kind of snowballed into been woken by panic shortly after I go to sleep :(
Well last night had the same pattern as the last few nights. Wake up in a panic shortly after falling asleep, relax in bed for a hour till I feel calm and tired enough to sleep, get a few hours, wake up around 6am then get another few hours till 9am and wake up feeling on edge. But least I am getting half decent sleep.
Work is tomorrow night so I am hoping once I actually go in tomorrow night the dread will go as I will be busy and my mind will be occupied and have work mates to talk too. My main concern is not been able to get enough sleep between nightshifts to function and I can't afford to be off or risk getting sacked.
Hoping to get some propanolol today to take as an when needed when I feel my heart speeding up and to take before bed which can stop the adrenaline which wakes a lot of people up.
Strangest thing is I feel wake up anxious then feel better as day goes on an then get more anxious again at bedtime. I avoid caffeine, eat healthy, go for a run on the afternoon, walk my 2 dogs, make sure I am breathing properly and don't try fight it so doing all I can during the day really.
Hopefully when this weekend of nightshifts is over I will be fine as that is my only worry. Just a shame my the thought of my job causes this! It's not that bad it's just the shifts which are always 12 hours and can't get In a normal sleep pattern
10-09-2014, 03:28 PM
Carl, one more thing....... I want to see if I can change your thought process on sleep.
First thing. Are you worried about not sleeping at all? Yes.... so how do you fix this? Well first off dont worry about not sleeping. That sounds dumb but what I mean is, treat it like a party night where you stayed up all night, drunk as a skunk and you went to work the next day and still functional. Or if you did those all night study sessions and didnt get much sleep. You functioned fine the next day.
Second. Stop worrying about the amount of sleep you get. Be happy about the 30 minute cat naps that you catch. Focus on those, even though they are not 8 hours its not going to kill you if you catch 4 or 5 30 minute cat naps with in an 8 hour span
Try to work around you thought process of having to sleep 8 hours. Focus on just 30 minutes.... then 40 minutes... then 1 hour etc... You will notice the sleeping will get easier!
10-09-2014, 03:37 PM
Carl, one more thing....... I want to see if I can change your thought process on sleep.
First thing. Are you worried about not sleeping at all? Yes.... so how do you fix this? Well first off dont worry about not sleeping. That sounds dumb but what I mean is, treat it like a party night where you stayed up all night, drunk as a skunk and you went to work the next day and still functional. Or if you did those all night study sessions and didnt get much sleep. You functioned fine the next day.
Second. Stop worrying about the amount of sleep you get. Be happy about the 30 minute cat naps that you catch. Focus on those, even though they are not 8 hours its not going to kill you if you catch 4 or 5 30 minute cat naps with in an 8 hour span
Try to work around you thought process of having to sleep 8 hours. Focus on just 30 minutes.... then 40 minutes... then 1 hour etc... You will notice the sleeping will get easier!
Thanks I will definitely bear that in mind. Just got in from playing squash and feeling a lot better now. Still a little tension in my temples and tiny bit on edge but I can manage that. Decent sleep tonight then just get to work tomorrow night and relax. I have got through nightshifts In the past with no sleep so I can do it again. Just thinking worse that can happen is I will be tired at work.
Last year when I had no idea about anxiety it was hard to get out of it but remembering what my therapist told me and from reading online and great forums like this it does seem easier to manage this time round.
Best advice I can give is to just accept it as hard as that is sometimes
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