View Full Version : I cannot wait till Monday

10-07-2014, 10:51 AM
Monday cannot come soon enough for me...... I have an appointment with a psychologist and I am really hoping that it is going to help me. This is just getting ridiculous. I just went to Walmart for the first time in about a week (since these panic attacks really started getting bad) and it felt like I could not get out of there fast enough. By the time I got to the car I was starting to feel panic. I don't know if it's cause I went by myself even though I usually do or what. I mean I do leave my house to take my kids places and pick them up. I feel okay doing that. So I'm not sure what the deal is. I just want all of this to go away. It is starting to seem so hopeless.

10-07-2014, 12:09 PM
If this is new to you an only recently occurred don't stress too much mate just take one day at a time try not to overthink, hope it's just a phase an nothing serious for you. Good luck and all the best :)

10-07-2014, 01:44 PM
If this is new to you an only recently occurred don't stress too much mate just take one day at a time try not to overthink, hope it's just a phase an nothing serious for you. Good luck and all the best :)

I've always had anxiety for as long as I can remember. From time to time I have a bad bout of panic attacks. For whatever reason it seems to happen when it turns to fall and winter (right around this time). I must say this is the worst I have ever had it though. I have never been to the point of not wanting to leave the house, not being able to function normally on a daily basis and literally not being able to eat. I am just hoping to get started with some help come Monday and hope that the rest of the week isn't as bad as it has been so far. Yesterday was horrible.

10-07-2014, 02:16 PM
Hey Twins, been in many situations like you have stated. It takes time and more so challenging. I like to use a quote from here "Anxiety/Panic, is the biggest bluff". Its all BS in your head. Your mind tells you, you have issues but really there is none. I know I can type this out easy, but you have to challenge that thought process.

My Anxiety is back and higher than normal, oddly at the same time as last year. But no Panic attacks? Why I have learned to control them and not be fearful of them, Why? I have learned tools on how to handle them. Now the panic attacks dont come almost at all and if they do, pull out the tools and bam.... they go away. Its kinda like an Exterminator, you got the tools and if you use them to treat the symptoms the major stuff stays away. You just gotta build up those tools and challenge them instead of being afraid of them!

10-07-2014, 02:45 PM
I have an appointment with a psychologist!

I am going to see a Psych this Thursday, and I am so excited too!
I hope he's good, helpful, and these visits prove to be successful.
I need help to friend, and I'm taking those steps to make better things happen or at least help me to change my perspectives on the issues in my life.
Good luck Twins!

E-Man :)

10-07-2014, 02:47 PM
Hey Twins, been in many situations like you have stated. It takes time and more so challenging. I like to use a quote from here "Anxiety/Panic, is the biggest bluff". Its all BS in your head. Your mind tells you, you have issues but really there is none. I know I can type this out easy, but you have to challenge that thought process.

My Anxiety is back and higher than normal, oddly at the same time as last year. But no Panic attacks? Why I have learned to control them and not be fearful of them, Why? I have learned tools on how to handle them. Now the panic attacks dont come almost at all and if they do, pull out the tools and bam.... they go away. Its kinda like an Exterminator, you got the tools and if you use them to treat the symptoms the major stuff stays away. You just gotta build up those tools and challenge them instead of being afraid of them!

Yeah I try hard to tell myself that it is in my head. It's only a panic attack but the fear is real and I guess that is the biggest thing to conquer. In the moment the fear is debilitating. Then I keep thinking about it and can't put it out of my mind. It just keeps replaying.

10-07-2014, 02:57 PM
I've always had anxiety for as long as I can remember. From time to time I have a bad bout of panic attacks. For whatever reason it seems to happen when it turns to fall and winter (right around this time). I must say this is the worst I have ever had it though.

Twins, I can relate with the fall issue. September through late December I seem to feel a lull in my mood and yet an ever explosive anxiety. It could be a sensitivity to the light or the anticipation of things to come (school, holidays, colder weather) that does it. I even know of someone who felt this way living in Southern California when the days would get shorter, so there could be an impact. As for your appointment, you've obviously got some time to go between now and when you get in to see the psychiatrist. You seem to be expressing that the wait is daunting and I can relate with that. Perhaps you can try some deep breathing exercises and little things to distract you when you have down time. The anticipation of anxiety is often a trigger of more anxiety. Best wishes for between now and then.

10-07-2014, 03:09 PM
Twins- It sounds you're at the point where your anxiety is starting to control you. You need to start taking your life back. I have found that the best way to get over anxiety is to sort of make a pact with yourself that you are not going to let anxiety control you. YOU are in control of your life and you can do whatever you want whenever you want. You need to keep telling this to yourself. You probably need t slow down too. Sometimes, the more things that are on your mind, the more anxiety you will have. Try slowing down and taking control of your life. It is a 24 hour challenge but it must be done in order to get over your anxiety.

10-07-2014, 03:12 PM
Good for you, Exactice. It sounds like you are on a good path.

10-07-2014, 03:15 PM
Twins- It sounds you're at the point where your anxiety is starting to control you. You need to start taking your life back. I have found that the best way to get over anxiety is to sort of make a pact with yourself that you are not going to let anxiety control you. YOU are in control of your life and you can do whatever you want whenever you want. You need to keep telling this to yourself. You probably need t slow down too. Sometimes, the more things that are on your mind, the more anxiety you will have. Try slowing down and taking control of your life. It is a 24 hour challenge but it must be done in order to get over your anxiety.

Yes it really is at the point where it has taken over my life. I am home by myself all day while my kids are at school and during that time my mind is all over the place. I can't stop thinking. And then I get panic attacks and I can't function. It's the same process every day. I just need to learn how to break it.

10-07-2014, 03:19 PM
In response to the fall/winter issue- I think that just like at any other time, you need to just keep pushing on and not let your anxiety get the best of you. You need to just acknowledge the weather and keep moving on.

10-07-2014, 03:20 PM
Twins, Dahila likes to recommend Meditation and I like to recommend guided imagery. I like guided imagery as it helps to distract the mind and guide your thoughts when it gets a little out of control.

Pop in your earphones and turn on youtube - Try these, if your mind starts to wonder a little



10-07-2014, 03:21 PM
Ya- I have found that the best way to overcome anxiety is to keep busy. Find some things that you like to do and do them. Keep your day full of things to do ( you have kids, so I'm sure there are many things that you can be doing). That way you don't give anxiety a chance to creep in.

10-07-2014, 03:24 PM
Ya- I have found that the best way to overcome anxiety is to keep busy. Find some things that you like to do and do them. Keep your day full of things to do ( you have kids, so I'm sure there are many things that you can be doing). That way you don't give anxiety a chance to creep in.

Exactly and to build upon this, First off you have tools right? CBT tools and mental tools? If not please let me know I will list some. But pretend like your Anxiety and Panic tools are like a brand new Baseball Bat or a Brand new Golf Club. Anxiety and panic is like your chance to try out those shiny new toys! So instead of being worried to use them. "Screw that" Smash and bash away with your shiny new tools. Challenge them and use them! Thats what you got it for! So when you feel a little anxiety, pull out skills and use them!

10-07-2014, 03:24 PM
However, Twins, don't over do it. just make sure you are focused on your daily tasks instead of letting your anxiety creep in. No matter how big or small the job is, just keep staying active.

10-07-2014, 03:28 PM
I agree that meditation definately helps. Just sit back for a few minutes at least and listen to some relaxing music or ocean sounds or something. It can really clear your mind.

10-07-2014, 03:31 PM
Exactly and to build upon this, First off you have tools right? CBT tools and mental tools? If not please let me know I will list some. But pretend like your Anxiety and Panic tools are like a brand new Baseball Bat or a Brand new Golf Club. Anxiety and panic is like your chance to try out those shiny new toys! So instead of being worried to use them. "Screw that" Smash and bash away with your shiny new tools. Challenge them and use them! Thats what you got it for! So when you feel a little anxiety, pull out skills and use them!

I have never done CBT.

10-07-2014, 04:02 PM

I have never done CBT.

Ok No problem..... CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Training)

Basically this is problem solving and decatastrophizing


here is a website with little works sheets. The point is to write down what you are feeling then the possible good and bad outcomes and measure what truly happens.

In your mind when a panic and anxiety kicks in.... 99% of the time the mind goes into worst case scenario. But when we reflect back..... it never reached that point. We just felt like it did.

So you use these thoughts to challenge your mind. Example, panic sets in and you say I am having a heart attack I am going to die. But really its just a panic and you are healthy as an Ox and you are not having a heart attack. Your mind is going crazy but really its just your mind. When you break it down you relax and then the panic dissipates.

You will learn more with the therapist on Monday so get excited cause you are going to the candy store to get some goodies to help you! (no Pun Intended with meds) If you can do it with out meds even better.

The next one is the physical tools. I like to use sleeping like a baby as an aiming point on what to reach when you are having a panic attack. Focus on what a sleeping baby looks like, relaxed.... deep long comfortable breaths. When a panic comes on, you are the exact opposite so you focus on slowing down your breaths..... get it to the point on like how you are sleeping and snoring deeply like a baby. Then relax the body, make it limp without any tension. It will be hard but FOCUS on the baby.

Slowly but surely you will notice the panic dissipate. Practicing this technique when an attack comes on and you will notice the attacks will go away little by little faster and faster. It may take an 1hour it may take 30 seconds.... but practice and mentally take notes on how quickly you can control them.

Again work with your therapist, but challenge yourself almost to the point of having fun with it like I can do this! VS being totally afraid of it!


10-07-2014, 06:03 PM
Ok No problem..... CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Training)

Basically this is problem solving and decatastrophizing

here is a website with little works sheets. The point is to write down what you are feeling then the possible good and bad outcomes and measure what truly happens.

In your mind when a panic and anxiety kicks in.... 99% of the time the mind goes into worst case scenario. But when we reflect back..... it never reached that point. We just felt like it did.

So you use these thoughts to challenge your mind. Example, panic sets in and you say I am having a heart attack I am going to die. But really its just a panic and you are healthy as an Ox and you are not having a heart attack. Your mind is going crazy but really its just your mind. When you break it down you relax and then the panic dissipates.

You will learn more with the therapist on Monday so get excited cause you are going to the candy store to get some goodies to help you! (no Pun Intended with meds) If you can do it with out meds even better.

The next one is the physical tools. I like to use sleeping like a baby as an aiming point on what to reach when you are having a panic attack. Focus on what a sleeping baby looks like, relaxed.... deep long comfortable breaths. When a panic comes on, you are the exact opposite so you focus on slowing down your breaths..... get it to the point on like how you are sleeping and snoring deeply like a baby. Then relax the body, make it limp without any tension. It will be hard but FOCUS on the baby.

Slowly but surely you will notice the panic dissipate. Practicing this technique when an attack comes on and you will notice the attacks will go away little by little faster and faster. It may take an 1hour it may take 30 seconds.... but practice and mentally take notes on how quickly you can control them.

Again work with your therapist, but challenge yourself almost to the point of having fun with it like I can do this! VS being totally afraid of it!


I will have to try this. Going to check out the YouTube videos too. Mine is worse in the morning so I will definitely try it if I panic tomorrow. Thank you so much

10-08-2014, 02:29 PM
Twins, Dahila likes to recommend Meditation and I like to recommend guided imagery. I like guided imagery as it helps to distract the mind and guide your thoughts when it gets a little out of control.

Pop in your earphones and turn on youtube - Try these, if your mind starts to wonder a little



I tried one of these this morning and it did help. I still was having a hard time blocking out my thoughts.

10-08-2014, 03:12 PM
Awesome, glad to hear that it helps, look on line for more similar videos that you can connect to personally. Your thoughts are going to be tough blocking but practice this! Everyday! it will take a week or 2 but you will see improvement, I promise!

10-09-2014, 07:37 AM
I actually feel 'better' this morning. I am still having to work on keeping my mind busy because if I don't my thoughts start racing. After I take my kids to school I usually come back home and take a nap but today I made myself take a shower and I am doing some laundry. I have avoided my panic 'triggers' yesterday and so far today. I know that is not fixing things by avoiding but hopefully Monday I will learn or be on the way to learning how to deal with them. For now I'm just happy to feel "normal" for the moment. And I was actually hungry last night and this morning! Considering I've lost 15 pounds in the last week and a half from no appetite that is a huge positive!

10-09-2014, 02:20 PM
THere you go!!! First start! It will take some time dont rush it but little steps everyday! Awesome news!

10-09-2014, 02:24 PM
I actually feel 'better' this morning. I am still having to work on keeping my mind busy because if I don't my thoughts start racing. After I take my kids to school I usually come back home and take a nap but today I made myself take a shower and I am doing some laundry. I have avoided my panic 'triggers' yesterday and so far today. I know that is not fixing things by avoiding but hopefully Monday I will learn or be on the way to learning how to deal with them. For now I'm just happy to feel "normal" for the moment. And I was actually hungry last night and this morning! Considering I've lost 15 pounds in the last week and a half from no appetite that is a huge positive!

That's great news!