View Full Version : Paranoia Surrounding an Upcoming Trip

Marc Medina
10-07-2014, 07:08 AM
Hello everyone. First time ever posting in this forum, but a long time viewer because I suffer from social anxiety, but this issue I'm having is more of a paranoid anxiety.

Basically, my friend invited me on a trip next month, and it's going to be my first time flying without my parents accompanying me, and I'm pretty excited, because this is a friend who I don't get to see very often.

Now normally, I don't really get scared when flying on planes, especially since I do it one to two times a year. But this paranoid anxiety stems from all the things I've been hearing about ISIS and their brutality. I'm just really afraid the flight I'll be on will become a grim reality of 9/11 happening again.

I'm sure I'm probably overexaggerating and getting really scared over nothing, but it's something that still lingers in the back of my mind, especially since things are starting to turn around in my life for the better, I really don't want it to end so abruptly.

Thank you for anyone who listens, or has insight.

10-07-2014, 07:20 PM
Hello Mark, I thought I'd respond as I am a fearful flyer myself. I guess I'll give you two prongs of advice. The first is that with attention to relaxation - in particular deliberate, deep breathing, you can achieve some peace on your flight. If I can do that, I think their might be hope for you! I didn't fly until I was 27 and then only because my twin was getting married across the country. The key is to make yourself as relaxed as you possibly can be as you prepare for not only the flight, but all the other things that need to be done just to get on the plane such as going through boarding, metal detectors and finding your gate. In my experience that is the most stressful part and once I get past that I'm almost relieved to be on the plane. If you have the time, I would suggest a book called Flying Without Fear. It is a bit old, but helpful. I always bring it when I fly, just to have it with me.

As for the ISIS/terrorism issue, certainly we live in a world where there are real threats to our safety and security in the daily things we do. It is not unfounded to have a fear such as yours. The important thing to keep in mind is that you've identified that you are about to see a friend you want to see and that right there is a good enough reason to face down this fear. Good luck!