View Full Version : I have anxiety, so what? I am no less of a person.

10-07-2014, 06:37 AM
A common theme among people with anxiety, is that they beat themselves up. Continually. Now...

A) Do you have low self esteem because you beat yourself up
B) Do you beat yourself up because you have low self esteem.

Someone with high regard for themselves would not give one iota of a moments glance to anyone's negative opinions, period, no matter it were King James himself in your living room. Someone with high regard for self would see a doctor if it's the last penny on earth and the husband/wife/friend/other was whimpering in the corner how that was the money for his tv remote batteries. Someone with high self regard would always - in every instance - of every moment - in every aspect - of every experience - act in ways that build up the self, put the self first and forefront, that person needs no approval, no admiration, no critical eye, no others assumptions, no judgements, that person is not open to negative suggestions from people or family or husbands or wife's because negative suggestions or influences destroy esteem.

People with high regard for themselves always have money even if they are poor, because they trust their needs will be met, people with high regard for themselves don't base their needs, or trust, or esteem, or worth, or capabilities, or moods, or personality, or emotions around anyone else.

People with high regard always find the means to accomplish what they need to because the world bows before the person who knows what they want and who they are.

People with high regard for themselves know that in acting in ways best for the self, it will naturally be the best for all others in their families. How can one destroy themselves and that be best for their loved ones? So people with high regard do as they wish, act as they wish, how they wish, and to whomever they wish, and it's always the right thing to do. The right way to be.

People with high regard see doctors, see lawyers, see bankers, see people...when they wish to, and those people always help them accomplish what is best, because it is best, for everyone.

People with high esteem believe their actions to be right and true, people with high esteem value, honor, respect, validate the graceful fluidity of their emotions, trusting that in the expression of them-will always bring positive resolutions, and fulfillment.

No one deserves to feel badly, to repress, to feel sad, to hide, to run, to cry, to live in sorrow, to grieve, to feel poor, to feel ill, to escape, no one deserves to wish they were someone else, to live in fear.

No one deserves a spouse who they fear will leave them, period. The people with high esteem don't feel long term guilt, blame, shame, self hate, powerless, worthless, unloved, unlovable, wrong, chastised, made fun of, criticized, looked down upon.

People with high esteem close themselves to the negative influences of others because they know, if man can control one thing it's his mind, and that's a terrible thing to waste.

Stop at once the blame and guilt for who you are, and stop at once looking at your spouses and or family/friends as martyrs for being with you, stop at once the self deprecation and shame for feeling your emotions. Stop at once belittling and beating yourselves up for what you can't do, and start praising what you can do. I behoove all of you to set yourselves right, before it's too late and you truly fall to pieces.

"Now you listen to me, I have anxiety, but I'm the best dam person your ever going to meet, so what if I can't do some things I used to, so what if you don't understand me, that's not my fault, go read up on it and let me know when your educated enough to understand not only what I am going through, but who I am. This is me, for now, and until I do my own work and change because I want to, you better get a hold of yourself and love me, stand behind me, and encourage me, because if not, I don't need you, and the highway is right out front. don't slam the door on your way out. If you choose to be with me, as your vows state, then you better magically come up with funds for my therapy, because I tell you, my therapy is more important than your big screen tv, or case of beer. I feel pretty dam good about myself, and know my troubles are temporary, so if you don't encourage me, when I'm through with this, you will be temporary"

"I have my own ability to make my own money, because I am valuable, and whatever I choose to offer is of value, so I don't care if I only have 10 minutes a day, and I have to work from a closet because of agoraphobia, I shall sit on the floor in my closet on my computer and sell on eBay or whatever feels right for me to do, and make my money for therapy or anything else I desire, I am my own storehouse of knowledge and vitality, everything I need is within me, no one else, I create my reality, I get what I expect, not what others expect. "

Note to self: "I have anxiety, so what? This too shall pass, for both I and the earth are temporal. Which I am I today? Who do I wish to be. My anxiety has given me the opportunity to contribute more, not less. So what if I cannot drive around the corner, what I can do is right in front of me, my front door might be locked, but the back one has opened, I just never looked because I was so focused on opening that dam front door and beating myself up over it"

10-07-2014, 07:01 AM
Put the self first and forefront. If man can control one thing it's his mind. Before it's too late and you truly fall to pieces. Lesson, class, dismissed. Do the homework.

Your words have opened new doors for me, or at least I now know where those doors are, for me to open them.
I really appreciate your wisdom, caring, kindness, and in depth perspectives of many, if not all of the things, that I struggle with.
You are blessed with an amazing mind and a keen ability to process thoughts, from many different angles and approaches.
I am working on your ideas, suggestions, and believe that I am already making positive, forward progress too.
Thank you again Mr. I'm Suffering. YAY!! :)
Wishing you a perfect day too!

E-Man :)

10-07-2014, 12:35 PM
Another excellent post ImSuffering.

10-07-2014, 02:20 PM
Long Post but as usual great post.... Im Suffering you need a buddy to do some cliff notes LOL!

Anyways, This is a great point..... you have Anxiety.... SO WHAT!!! So what.... what does that mean? Nothing....

Now here is some interesting stats

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older (18% of U.S. population).

40 Million in America Alone, 18 and up. So really in adults thats like 30-40%.... that means 1 in 3 people have it.... Its not uncommon, Here is another stat

Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States, affecting 40 million to 50 million Americans.

Acne..... Same amount of people affected..... Do you think Acne people suffer like we do? Nope and why? Because we questions our selves so much.

So like Im-Suffering makes the point... why have low self esteem, its common dont beat yourself, if anything find others (like here) and share your thoughts and feelings!

10-07-2014, 03:57 PM
I suppose I do have low self esteem, but it's sort of fallen under the radar a bit, never really thought about it, but the thoughts itself were there.
Great post!