View Full Version : stomach distress/pain

06-30-2008, 04:35 PM
is anybody experiencing upper stomach problems because of anxiety??
I'm trying to figure it out what's up with mine. This is not regular stomach pain, but very unpleasant feeling which makes me weak and sick. But t last relatively shortly although can come back.

Anxious Frank
07-01-2008, 04:13 AM
I get that sometimes!

It's like my stomach would tie itself in a knot and try to squeeze up into my chest.

07-01-2008, 08:43 AM
exactly, I wonder if it's possible that it is triggered when you eat something even if that food is OK....making you think it's because of that food?

The Melody of Rain
07-01-2008, 08:45 AM
I get this, even though I'm not anxious. For me, it came about through breathing habits. I only noticed recently, that I used to feel like this when I tried to breath by using my abdominal muscles. It sounds odd, but I would suck the air down into my stomach as opposed to using my chest, and as a result I could never get a satisfactory breath and would experience much discomfort in that area. I suppose it was a habit that developed as a result of being tense from anxiety and I just became accustomed to taking in half breaths as opposed to no breaths at all.

I've also just recently found out that my mother smoked when she was pregnant with me...probably explains a bit...

07-02-2008, 01:02 AM
I feel the same way.
Sometimes if even feels like I'm being poked really hard from the inside, this feeling has just come up recently.
usually i just feel really sick